トップページ > 一般海外生活 > 2011年07月30日 > /e+//CYt


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【ソウル】 韓国で暮らす日本人交流スレ 2


【ソウル】 韓国で暮らす日本人交流スレ 2
786 :名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/30(土) 08:23:27.18 ID:/e+//CYt
Also the Japanese actor calls to action all of the Japanese and follwers to look at
the actions of the unfair people of this world, and states that it is the time to stand up,
and fight for our own heritage. But the most of Japanese media don't report this
happening correctly, they cover up for.

We had the terrible disaster on 3.11.
Many foreign countries have helped Japan and we are very grateful to it.
We know we have to band together and revive our beautiful Japan as soon as possible.
However, it's difficult to do it by the most of media in Japan that force Korean culture
on Japanese people.

Please report this problem if you are interested in.
Thank you so much for taking your time.

