トップページ > Windows > 2013年05月10日 > wV1Jw5Z0


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2ちゃんねるブラウザ「JaneView」 Part81
MPC-BE 01 【Media Player Classic派生build】


2ちゃんねるブラウザ「JaneView」 Part81
636 :名無し~3.EXE[sage]:2013/05/10(金) 21:17:56.54 ID:wV1Jw5Z0

<>(ID:(?:.{8}|\?{3}))(0)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [PC] $3$4
<>(ID:(?:.{8}|\?{3}))(O)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [Mobile] $3$4
<>(ID:(?:.{8}|\?{3}))(P)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [p2] $3$4
<>(ID:(?:.{8}|\?{3}))(o)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [AirH"] $3$4
<>(ID:(?:.{8}|\?{3}))(Q)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [フルブラウザ] $3$4
<>(ID:(?:.{8}|\?{3}))(i)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [iPhone/3G] $3$4
<>(ID:(?:.{8}|\?{3}))(I)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [iPhone/WiFi] $3$4
<>(ID:(?:.{8}|\?{3}))(T)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [お試し●] $3$4
<>(ID:(?:.{9}|\?{3}))(!)(●)?(\sBE:\d+-(\s|#+))?$[TAB]$1$2 [海外] $3$4
MPC-BE 01 【Media Player Classic派生build】
184 :名無し~3.EXE[]:2013/05/10(金) 21:27:38.05 ID:wV1Jw5Z0
build 2670

2670 update: Little-CMS git-d0d5b512.
2669 update: ffmpeg git-c475a58d.
2668 Fixed loss of expanding the export settings.
2667 Changes: a small cosmetics;
2666 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5540.
2665 update: ffmpeg git-d1cb559a.
2664 update: libopus 1.0.1 git-c9f857ef.
2663 Changes: a small cosmetics;
2662 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-8eae188a;
2661 Changes: fixed a display of classic playlist;
2660 Changes: a small cosmetics;
2659 Thumbnails: Added thousands separator (non-breaking space) for the size of the file in bytes.
(If necessary formatting can be done both in the MPC-HC)
2658 Changes: a small cosmetics;
2657 Change: CString type does not require initialization. Just a little makeup, put the "extra" code.
2656 Changes: added to AboutDlg.cpp, identification number for Visual Studio Update 3 RC
2655 update: ffmpeg git-fc37cd43.
2654 update: libopus 1.0.1 git-c973a596.
2653 update: MediaInfo 0.7.62 + svn rev.5525.
2652 Changes: functions to get versions of the system, as well as IsW64 () ruled in a separate file. Just optimization - now the data is cached, so the function call to obtain the release occurs only once, on the first call.
2651 Change: export dialog settings - added the file type + the extension.
MPC-BE 01 【Media Player Classic派生build】
185 :名無し~3.EXE[]:2013/05/10(金) 21:28:35.62 ID:wV1Jw5Z0
2650 Change: minor fix ffmpeg;
2649 update: libwebp 0.3.0 git-732da8d0;
2648 Changes: corrected the VS1010 project to build ShellExt - corrected build x64 debug.
Change: finally fixed after a call drop file associations with Admin rights for this truth had to introduce a new variable CAppSettings, CWnd *,
which stores a pointer to CMainFrame for future use.
Change: file associations - when there is not chosen one extension, ShellExt not register in the system.
2647 Changes: AboutDlg - removed the unnecessary initialization of type CString, as well as the "extra" variable.
Change: small optimization - now at the close of the program will not be superfluous call LoadLibrary ().
Then - here and forget about your startup variables, and made the initialization of the OnCreate () in the constructor of the class (CMainFrame).
2646 Change: Setting file associations - after a call to dialogue with Admin rights and the closing was a crash with an error, corrected the work of static functions (replaced the necessary variables on the static as well).
Just a little makeup, carried a variable in the class and made static.
2645 Changes: a small cosmetics;
2644 Changes: First, set the options for MediaInfo (select language module) and only then do MI.Open. Otherwise, the second kolokna we can not be translated when you first open File Properties-> MediaInfo.
2643 Change: mpc_helper.c moved and renamed it config.c;
MPC-BE 01 【Media Player Classic派生build】
186 :名無し~3.EXE[sage]:2013/05/10(金) 21:32:24.35 ID:wV1Jw5Z0
xp以前 VS2010
Vista以降 VS2012
MPC-BE 01 【Media Player Classic派生build】
187 :名無し~3.EXE[sage]:2013/05/10(金) 21:35:08.44 ID:wV1Jw5Z0
個人的に言うとbuild 2642以前のbuild使用者は最新に変えたほうがいいと思います
