トップページ > ベンチャー > 2021年09月07日 > oEM/dZm00


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900 :名無しさん@どっと混む[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 03:23:29.37 ID:oEM/dZm00
The terrible tragic scenario is that vaccinated persons will be vulnerable to coronary infections, especially variants.
The more is that vaccination may make them vulnerable to other infections.
901 :名無しさん@どっと混む[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 09:45:26.31 ID:oEM/dZm00
Weird how it seems Delta has started to spread rapidly in Japan just as they've ramped up vaccination.
Its almost like increasing the pace of vaccination leads to an increase in the prevalence of a more vaccine-resistant variant. https://japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/08/31/national/japan-confirms-first-case-new-type-delta-variant/
903 :名無しさん@どっと混む[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 11:51:10.43 ID:oEM/dZm00
Effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine appears to be on the decline in Israel .
Only 52% of Israelis who received two shots of the COVID-19 vaccine said they would take advantage of the opportunity to receive a third shot.
There is a big drop in the number of people who are interested in vaccinating.
There is not a real desire for a third vaccination.
When it comes to children, parents are most concerned that health officials still do not know the long-term impact of the vaccine.
The survey also found that as the Delta variant spreads across the country, including reinfecting a high percentage of vaccinated individuals, more people believe that the vaccine does not work.
