トップページ > アメリカ > 2011年07月30日 > TUKjGDZb


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【English】英語で会話するスレ@アメリカ板 Part1


【English】英語で会話するスレ@アメリカ板 Part1
347 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2011/07/30(土) 17:45:47.61 ID:TUKjGDZb
A Japanese actor posted on twitter about the lewd activities of a TV
production company called "Fuji TV", which broadcasts Korean Television
that most Japanese people do not want to watch. It is known that
"Fuji TV" takes musicians and various other talents into Korea, and
presents them as the "Number 1 hit of Japan", to gain the popularity
for the certain talents and selfishly raise the money for themselves.
The Japanese actor presented this information on twitter, and immediately
an immense amount of followers, and then comment threads on the popular
Japanese forum "2 Channel" started to formulate on the subject. Because
of this very fast increase in the subject, the Japanese actor got fired
from his own agency, "Stardust Promotion". The Japanese actor calls
to action all of the Japanese and follwers to look at the actions
of the unfair people of this world, and states that it is now time
to stand up, and fight for our own heritage.
