トップページ > プログラム > 2015年11月04日 > Am0x1eSa


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なあ、再帰関数好きな人いる? パート2 [転載禁止]©2ch.net


なあ、再帰関数好きな人いる? パート2 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
702 :デフォルトの名無しさん[sage]:2015/11/04(水) 11:29:10.25 ID:Am0x1eSa
> 再帰を使うと頻繁にPCレジスタをPUSHする訳だから普通に安定性落ちるんじゃないの?
なあ、再帰関数好きな人いる? パート2 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
708 :デフォルトの名無しさん[sage]:2015/11/04(水) 15:20:54.73 ID:Am0x1eSa

Jon Bentley in his 1982 book "Writing Efficient Programs" informs us that
| Recursive procedures(that is, procedures that can call themselves) are
| powerful expressive tools that can greatly ease the design and implementation
| of a correct program. That lesson was made clear to me when I translated a
| nineteen-step iterative algorithm that I had written (which resulted in over
| 100 lines of code and took two twelve-hour days to debug) into a four-step
| recursive algorithm (which took less than 30 lines of code and took less
| than an hour to implement). Unfortunately, this expressive power is not
| without cost, because many implementations of recursion are slow.
なあ、再帰関数好きな人いる? パート2 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
709 :デフォルトの名無しさん[sage]:2015/11/04(水) 15:23:27.54 ID:Am0x1eSa
| In 2008 book "Beautiful Code", a collection of articles, It is Brian
| Kernighan saying " recursion is a win. This fundamental programming
| technique almost always leads to smaller, cleaner, and more elegant code
| than the equivalent written with explicit loops, and that is the case here.
| The idea of peeling off one matching character from the front of the regular
| expression and from the text, then recursing for the rest, echoes the
| recursive structure of the traditional factorial or string length examples,
| but in a much more interesting and useful setting."
