トップページ > プログラム > 2015年03月19日 > M0RYJxHF


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【GPGPU】くだすれCUDAスレ part7【NVIDIA】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net


【GPGPU】くだすれCUDAスレ part7【NVIDIA】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
92 :デフォルトの名無しさん[]:2015/03/19(木) 07:37:41.52 ID:M0RYJxHF
CUDA 7 Downloads
【GPGPU】くだすれCUDAスレ part7【NVIDIA】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
93 :デフォルトの名無しさん[]:2015/03/19(木) 07:39:40.96 ID:M0RYJxHF
Dear Developer,

The CUDA? 7.0 Production Release is now available to the public. Run your application faster with this latest version of the CUDA Toolkit. It features 64-bit ARM support and the simplified programming model enabled by Unified Memory. Highlights include:

New cuSOLVER library
? Accelerates key LAPACK routines, 12x faster direct sparse solvers

New C++11 language features
? Increases productivity with lambdas, auto, and more

Runtime Compilation
? Enables highly optimized kernels to be generated at runtime

Download the CUDA 7 Production Release at www.nvidia.com/getcuda

Learn more about CUDA 7 by attending these webinars:

CUDA 7 Feature Review
Date/Time: Friday, April 10th at 10:00 AM PDT
Register: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/4b0lwgeqgzrk&eom

CUDA 7 Performance Overview

Date/Time: Wednesday, April 15th at 11:30 AM PDT
Register: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/empyu1qc65l6&eom

Best regards,

Nadeem Mohammad
NVIDIA Developer Relations Team
