トップページ > FLASH > 2011年06月15日 > AGgBRzBZ


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【TM】Tank Masterで2chの力を! 1連射目【戦車】


【TM】Tank Masterで2chの力を! 1連射目【戦車】
592 :Now_loading...774KB[sage]:2011/06/15(水) 01:01:57.38 ID:AGgBRzBZ
GP-3651> too much lag for players not in japan, that shit should be fixed
Harami (JP)> japan too
GP-3651> though i suppose lag has always been a problem here more or less
GP-3651> but people with an ms lower than 100 seem to do way better
GP-3651> so who knows
Harami (JP)> not so better
Harami (JP)> too many cancellation
GP-UDieGI> what's the ms mean?
Harami (JP)> just distance from the server
GP-3651> it's the ping time between you and the server (milleseconds)
Shifu (EU)> think positive play with ms :)
GP-UDieGI> Where is the server?
GP-3651> somewhere in japan i think
Shifu (EU)> hmm not here
GP-3651> that's why you see some players with a really low ms, they're more or less right near it
Shifu (EU)> in harami's toilets perhaps
Harami (JP)> why mine?
Shifu (EU)> cause u are one of the boss
Harami (JP)> no
GP-6001> u blocked other players than everybody else in there..
GP-6001> harami
Harami (JP)> players?
GP-6001> always u are like a boss in here
Harami (JP)> i blocked some who said 'ban me' lol

【TM】Tank Masterで2chの力を! 1連射目【戦車】
593 :Now_loading...774KB[sage]:2011/06/15(水) 01:05:31.38 ID:AGgBRzBZ
GP-6001> fukk u
Shifu (EU)> oh really ?
GP-6001> u lie
GP-rawr> u mad gp?
GP-6001> clown
Shifu (EU)> i have never asked fot hat
Hal.N (JP)> ほ
Harami (JP)> i always asked 'Do u want to be banned?' at last
Shifu (EU)> not exactly u threaten before like "stop it or i will ban u"
Shifu (EU)> but never mind
Shifu (EU)> i think the server might be in Osaka
