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汚部屋から脱出したい!!in 掃除全般144
897 :(名前は掃除されました)[]:2021/07/04(日) 05:27:35.09 ID:fYCz7fcY
The rainy season hasn't been over yet, and the days are still rainy and gloomy.

Hmmm, it's still hard to keep the room tidy. Fortunately,
I live on the top floor of an apartment building with only one room, so now I have garbage bags in the common area.

After consulting with the principal and vice principal,
I've received permission in advance to take physical measurements of all the boys and girls in my class.
I'd like to give you an outline of the measurements,
as it's been officially decided that it'll be taken around the middle of this month.
Basically, the measurement will take about 1 minute per boy and 20 minutes per girl.
I'm planning to spend about 20 minutes per girl.
since I have to spend enough time on the girls in particular in my class alone,
I'll spend almost the entire day doing the physical measurements.
In normal classes, it'd take about 1 hour to finish the measurements for the whole class.
The reason why I spend 20 minutes on girls is because even though they are in the 6th grade of elementary school
girls have matured physically and mentally due to their earlier growth and development period compared to boys,
and therefore, as a homeroom teacher, I think it's important for me to take sufficient care of the girls' bodies.
Therefore, as a homeroom teacher,
I think it's important to observe and examine the bodies of the girls students
in my charge in order to have a good understanding of them.
Naturally, as in the past, we'll have both boys and girls wear only their underpants during the measurement.

From this time on, I'll start by having both boys and girls wear only their underpants or undershorts in the classroom.
I also made them take off their shoes and socks so that they're barefoot.
For girls, I also make them take off their bras.
Until about 30 years ago, only a few elementary school girls wore bras.
Nowadays, most of the girls wear bras, probably because they are developing well.
Naturally, I ask each girl her bra cup size and record it.
Many girls are embarrassed when they take off their bras or cover their breasts with their arms or hands.
If this happens, I strongly discipline them.
After having the students line up in the hallway, both boys and girls walk to the nurse's office in their underpants.
at the nurse's office, both boys and girls are measured together.
The measurements are done in alphabetical order, with boys and girls mixed together.
The first thing I do is to take photographs of the students' bodies (some photographs per student of the whole body,
upper body, and lower body about 4 or 5 photographs for boys, and about 40 to 50 photographs for girls.).
Again, many of the girls are shy or cover their breasts with their arms or hands.
In such cases, I'll strongly scold them.
The measurements include height, weight, sitting height (which is rare these days),
chest circumference (upper, middle, and lower chest circumference),
torso circumference, waist circumference, arm and leg length, and hand, foot, and finger size.

To be continued...
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898 :(名前は掃除されました)[]:2021/07/04(日) 05:28:43.56 ID:fYCz7fcY
The following is the outline of the measurement for girls only.
During the measurement, if necessary, the girls will be asked to raise their arms upwards while wearing only undershorts.

In the chest area, in addition to careful visual observation,
palpation is performed and photographs are taken (about 50 photographs of the entire chest, left and right, per girl).

Some of the girls may be reluctant to have their breasts examined, but they'll be strongly discouraged as well.
Even though they are elementary school students,
if a serious disease such as breast cancer is hidden this is because I'd have to take responsibility for overlooking it.
Other things to look for include breast softness and lumps, nipple color, distance between the left and right nipples,
areola diameter, nipple size and height, etc.
The size and height of the nipples are also accurately measured and recorded.
There are some girls whose nipples become hard and stiff during the measurement.
I don't scold them for this, because it's a natural physical reaction.
Measurements and examination findings are carefully recorded to ensure that nothing is left out or omitted.

In the abdomen and buttocks area, I look for the following,
the color and pattern of the panties, the presence or absence of ornaments or ribbons,
the slackness of the elastic band, the symmetry of the panties, and the appearance of any stains or wrinkles.
I also carefully check for stains and wrinkles.
Recently, girls have been wearing bright red, pink, sky blue and other colorful panties,
even though they are monochromatic.
There're panties with gorgeous patterns, floral, strawberry, polka dot, and striped patterns.
panties with anime characters printed on them.
Some of the students wear panties with ornaments that are extremely flamboyant.
I'm sometimes surprised by them.
In rare cases, there are girls who wear panties that are not appropriate for elementary school dirls,
such as thong panties or string panties,
If the panties are too flashy, the girls should be warned to wear plain panties such as white,
light yellow, light blue, or pink.
this is because women who wear flashy underwear look as if they are trying to attract men,
and no woman in her right mind would want to do that.

Next, as for the lower abdomen, after measuring the torso and waist circumference,
I check to see if the girl is on her period.
This can be confirmed by direct visual inspection to see if she's wearing a napkin or tampon.
Recently, some students have been wearing sanitary panties that have pockets to put away the wings of the napkin with wings.
I check that the sanitary napkin is properly placed in the center of the panty.
I also check that the tampon strings are not sticking out of the panties.
If a girl is not wearing a tampon properly, I'll give her a strict warning.
The same goes for the disguise sheet.
This isn't to say that a tampon string should not be worn, no matter how much it's inside a skirt.
This is because I don't want a woman to be so sloppy that she walks around with a tampon string sticking out of her skirt.

To be continued...
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899 :(名前は掃除されました)[]:2021/07/04(日) 05:30:31.94 ID:fYCz7fcY
In the case of menstruating girls, odor is one of the most important things to check.
the odor of menstrual blood is very peculiar.
It can have a strong smell like rotten fish (squidgy smell) that can be offensive to those around her.
It's best to change their sanitary napkins and tampons frequently.
This can be prevented by changing sanitary napkins and tampons frequently,
and by keeping the area (pubic area) clean by washing with a bidet.
This can be prevented by changing sanitary napkins and tampons frequently and by keeping the area clean by washing the bidet.
as a homeroom teacher, it's my responsibility to make sure that students are aware of this.
I recommend that girls change their sanitary napkins or tampons at least 7 to 10 times a day when they are menstruating.
There are also some convenient sanitary products available on the market,
such as menstrual cups that prevent menstrual blood from coming into contact with the air,
and cloth sanitary napkins that are highly breathable and absorbent.
I sometimes recommend the use of these sanitary products.
In the case of a girl whose discharge has a strong odor, ask her about the amount and color of her discharge.
I also check for itching, soreness, or irregular bleeding, and recommend that she sees a gynecologist if she has any symptoms.
The smell of discharge is even more distinctive than the smell of menstrual blood.
Some girls may have a strong putrid smell that makes people around them uncomfortable (like yogurt, cheese, or diluted vinegar).
This is because I don't want them to be sloppy women who walk around outside with a bad smell.

As in the case of the whole body and chest,
photographs are also taken of the abdomen and buttocks (front, back, left and right, per girl).
about 50 pictures per girl, including details such as panty material and pattern.
If the crotch area of the panties (near the vulva, vagina,
and perineum) becomes damp or wet during the observation and examination, the patient will be asked to remove the panties.
As with nipples, this is a natural physical reaction and I don't scold them for it.
After receiving permission from the principal and vice principal,
I copy the images to my computer and observe them carefully under magnification.
My friends and acquaintances often ask me if they can see these images.
I am often asked by friends and acquaintances to look at these images, or to give me the media so that I can copy the images.
We naturally refuse all such requests.

In performing the above series of measurements, observations and tests.
I set a certain difference in the amount of time and care that I spend on each girl based on my own criteria.
Some girls take the time to take measurements for 30 minutes to almost 1 hour alone, while others,
like boys, only take the minimum necessary measurements for about a minute.
The remaining 14 minutes for the girls who finish the measurement in about a minute are adjusted by allocating time to the girls who take their time.

To be continued...
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900 :(名前は掃除されました)[]:2021/07/04(日) 05:31:11.74 ID:fYCz7fcY
In the past, the senior female teacher in charge of the grade level, as well as my fellow teachers,
have told me, "It's like sexual harassment to go that far.".
But as a homeroom teacher, it is very important to me.
As a homeroom teacher, how can it be sexual harassment for me to seriously check the health of my precious girls?

The above careful measurements and observations make it easier to detect bad diseases and to receive appropriate treatment.
It also allows me to fulfill my mission of sending healthy girls to junior high school with confidence.
As an educator, it's my important duty as a teacher to raise my female students to be respectable and neat women.

I'll continue to conduct these measurements and observations on a monthly basis, with special emphasis on girls.
This will be done on school days even during the summer vacation.
Students who are absent on the day of measurement will be measured and observed individually at a later date.
From the second semester, I'll increase the frequency of measurements, and I'm in the process of discussing with the principal and vice principal the possibility of conducting measurements every other week, and eventually once a day.

I have to start preparing and coordinating for this month's physical measurements, so I'll leave you now.

Best regards,
A 6th grade homeroom teacher
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902 :(名前は掃除されました)[]:2021/07/04(日) 11:48:43.09 ID:fYCz7fcY
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903 :(名前は掃除されました)[]:2021/07/04(日) 11:49:22.46 ID:fYCz7fcY
Тебе не нравится эта история?
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906 :(名前は掃除されました)[]:2021/07/04(日) 14:11:23.80 ID:fYCz7fcY
Now that the busy end of the month is over,
all that is left is to finalize the data from the unannounced physical measurements that were taken Friday before the last week.
I always do unannounced body measurements without informing the students in advance.
In fact, there was an incident that took me by surprise before this measurement, and I lost my cool.
I was so surprised that I could not hide my impatience.
Because of this, before I report on the physical measurements on the day,
I'd like to give you a report on that incident.

Girl A-ko, who is the class president of the class, has excellent grades,
is good at arts and crafts and music, and has excellent motor skills.
She is also an impeccably attractive student who is well liked by the boys in my class
because of her innocent and cute appearance and mature body.
She also has many friends of the same sex and is the idol and leader of the class.
On the day of the physical examination, at the start of the day,
both boys and girls are made to strip down to their underwear in the classroom.
For girls, they are required to remove their bras as well.
I instructed them to take off not only their clothes but also their jackets and socks and go barefoot.

Then, A-ko came to me, blushing a little differently than usual, and came to tell me something.
I said, "A-ko, what's wrong?".
A-ko said, "Sir, I'm sorry to tell you this, but... I'm not wearing any undershorts today."
I said, "What, what, what, what do you mean?".
A-ko said, "When I left the house,
the laundry hadn't dried yet and my undershorts were still soaking wet, so I couldn't wear them.
I didn't know there was a body measurement today...".
I said, "Ugh... (I don't know what I should do if she suddenly says that...) What should I do?".
Since it was right after I'd given the order to make all the other students wear only their underwear,
I couldn't immediately respond to the sudden report.
I said to myself, "(Umm...hmm...) Since I'm gonna measure all the students in just their underwear,
I'll have to ask A-ko to go completely naked... No, wait a minute.
I don't know if it's okay to have a girl completely naked in school...
I was deeply troubled. I mulled over the thought in my head for about 10 seconds.
I thought to myself, "(Yes, that's right, let's do this!)".
I had a few extra towels from the local government that I distributed to the parents at the PTA the other day.
I'll ask her to use them to cover her lower abdomen...)
Okay, A-ko, use this to cover up your lower abdomen instead of your shorts. I handed A-ko a towel.
A-ko said, "Yes, sir.".
A-ko went back to her seat and started to take off her clothes.
The boys were already lined up in the hallway in their underpants and bare feet.
As for the girls, it always took them a long time, probably because they were embarrassed to be naked.
I said, "Girls, hurry up and take off your clothes!".

I managed to get all the students in the class to strip down to their underpants (except for A-ko...).
And line them up in the hallway.

That's all I have to report for today.

Best wishes,
A 6th grade homeroom teacher
