トップページ > スマートフォン > 2011年02月02日 > ARjl20+Z


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Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2


Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
195 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 01:22:06 ID:ARjl20+Z
>>185: ID:/vEsoeFc
>>186: ID:Ox3noPGB
>>187: ID:S+mx5ijO




【 Samsung admits its iPad-rival Galaxy Tab sales were actually "quite small" 】

A month after announcing plans to launch its new 7 inch tablet on all four US
carriers at an event in September, Samsung claimed it had sold 600,000 units,
and by the end of the quarter it had reported sales of 2 million.

However, in the company's quarterly earnings call with investors on Friday,
Samsung executive Lee Young-hee clarified that those numbers related only to
inventory channel stuffing, and did not represent actual sales to end users,
according to a report by Wall Street Journal blogger Evan Ramstad.

By "sales" we mean unsold inventory

"As you heard," Lee replied to a question asking for more detail on Galaxy Tab
sale numbers, "our sell-in was quite aggressive and this first quarterly result
was quite, you know, fourth-quarter unit [figure] was around two million.

"Then, in terms of sell-out, we also believe it was quite small. We believe, as
the introduction of new device, it was required to have consumers invest in the
device. So therefore, even though sell-out wasn’t as fast as we expected, we
still believe sell-out was quite OK."

Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
196 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 01:26:08 ID:ARjl20+Z

今頃必死こいて翻訳サイト探してんのか? あ?www


Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
199 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 01:51:08 ID:ARjl20+Z



Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
200 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 02:02:24 ID:ARjl20+Z



Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
205 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 07:00:57 ID:ARjl20+Z



>>201 ID:Y1v6+l2I ← 何も言えず話を変えるしか出来ないクズw

>>202 ID:BTcYffph ← 何の根拠も示せず逆に自分の頭の悪さを完全に露呈する低脳w

>>203 ID:mdm4pTFQ ← 自身の程度の低さがモノの価値を貶めている事に気づかないゴミw

>>204 ID:BTcYffph ← 完全に基地外w




Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
207 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 07:29:24 ID:ARjl20+Z

When it comes to security, Google Android has long been the weaker contestant.
After all, the simple availability of the code through the open source community also
means that malicious coders will have the opportunity to exploit any and all weaknesses.
By that same token, however, this means that Android must quickly resolve any issues that
are made known to the public ― as that public includes those who will quickly leap
through any security hole.

As reported on Engadget, this particular issue was initially discovered by Xuxian Jiang of
NCSU (North Carolina State University), who announced that the newest version of Android
(2.3, aka “Gingerbread”) has a glaring microSD card flaw. What is that flaw exactly?
Malicious websites may be able to tap into your microSD card as a platform through which
it can transmit private data ― everything from your voicemails to your online banking
login info ― to a third party.

This isn’t a brand new issue; it’s something Google struggled with in earlier versions
of Android development, but which the company fixed prior to the 2.3 release. However,
Jiang says that fix is simple to step around for anyone who understands the system. It is
reported that Google is looking at the issue and plans on putting out another fix, but
there’s no more specific data on the what or when.

This isn’t the first bump Gingerbread has run across, either. The THVB text bug, the SMS
messaging glitch would would re-route text messages to unintended recipients without even
notifying the sender who the message was heading to, was a glaring issue from day one that
saw resolution only after a mass surge of attention to the issue. While Gingerbread
remains an appealing OS, it’s hard to say whether it will be truly debugged before its
successor, Ice Cream Sandwich, takes the scene.


Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
208 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 07:52:59 ID:ARjl20+Z

The problem with the Galaxy has been well-chronicled. Samsung rushed the product
to market to compete with Apple and relied on software that was never meant to be
used for a tablet device.

Google even cautioned that its software, nicknamed Froyo, was not designed for tablet
computing, noting that it was developed for smartphones and their smaller screens.

"If you want to get a device out -- if you're [a manufacturer] -- do you have to go
with what's available right now or do you wait for the next generation to come out?

"That's the issue Samsung and other manufacturers run into," said Ezra Gottheil, a
senior analyst with Technology Business Research.

Rhoda Alexander, an iSuppli analyst, said, "There are a lot of issues with Android
tablets, not just Samsung.

"A lot of those products have difficulties with high return rates or with not moving
off the shelf."


Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
209 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 08:17:20 ID:ARjl20+Z




Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
210 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 08:26:25 ID:ARjl20+Z


「Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事」 = 「返品率の異常な高さ」w

Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
224 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 18:46:31 ID:ARjl20+Z

The Galaxy Tab, Samsung's answer to the iPad, might better be called the boomerang
as one Wall Street firm has found that an eye-popping 15 percent of those sold are
being returned.

The Galaxy Tab is a slow-seller, as well, according to analysts.

The 15 percent return rate, which covers sales from its November debut through Jan. 16,
compares to a 2 percent return rate for Apple's iPad.

"Consumers aren't in love with the device," said Tony Berkman, a consumer tech analyst
with ITG.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/galaxy_tab_dim_bulb_KbD4K6OUjTC99SQn2efrsJ#ixzz1CnDxEIgR

Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
227 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 19:03:59 ID:ARjl20+Z

Galaxy Tab return rates prove that 2010 belonged to iPad

In a post yesterday, I waved some red flags over a report that touted skyrocketing
growth of Android-powered tablets and the impact on the Apple’s iPad. Specifically,
I questioned the headlines around the big numbers for Android and cautioned that things
aren’t always what they seem.

And today, here comes another research finding that drives home my point: Apparently,
the Samsung Galaxy Tablet - the iPad’s only real competitor last year - has an unusually
high return rate. From the November debut of the Galaxy Tab through January 15, ITG
Investment Research found that, thorough December 31, the return rate was about 13 percent,
according to a post on the All Things Digital blog. Add in the number of holiday purchases
returned and that number creeps up toward 16 percent.

By comparison, the return rate on the iPad is about 2 percent.

Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
228 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 19:17:12 ID:ARjl20+Z



Samsung admits its iPad-rival Galaxy Tab sales were actually "quite small"

A month after announcing plans to launch its new 7 inch tablet on all four US
carriers at an event in September, Samsung claimed it had sold 600,000 units,
and by the end of the quarter it had reported sales of 2 million.

However, in the company's quarterly earnings call with investors on Friday,
Samsung executive Lee Young-hee clarified that those numbers related only to
inventory channel stuffing, and did not represent actual sales to end users,
according to a report by Wall Street Journal blogger Evan Ramstad.

By "sales" we mean unsold inventory

"As you heard," Lee replied to a question asking for more detail on Galaxy Tab
sale numbers, "our sell-in was quite aggressive and this first quarterly result
was quite, you know, fourth-quarter unit [figure] was around two million.

"Then, in terms of sell-out, we also believe it was quite small. We believe, as
the introduction of new device, it was required to have consumers invest in the
device. So therefore, even though sell-out wasn’t as fast as we expected, we
still believe sell-out was quite OK."

Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
232 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 19:25:07 ID:ARjl20+Z

Samsung admits its iPad-rival Galaxy Tab sales were actually "quite small"

A month after announcing plans to launch its new 7 inch tablet on all four US
carriers at an event in September, Samsung claimed it had sold 600,000 units,
and by the end of the quarter it had reported sales of 2 million.

However, in the company's quarterly earnings call with investors on Friday,
Samsung executive Lee Young-hee clarified that those numbers related only to
inventory channel stuffing, and did not represent actual sales to end users,
according to a report by Wall Street Journal blogger Evan Ramstad.

By "sales" we mean unsold inventory

"As you heard," Lee replied to a question asking for more detail on Galaxy Tab
sale numbers, "our sell-in was quite aggressive and this first quarterly result
was quite, you know, fourth-quarter unit [figure] was around two million.

"Then, in terms of sell-out, we also believe it was quite small. We believe, as
the introduction of new device, it was required to have consumers invest in the
device. So therefore, even though sell-out wasn’t as fast as we expected, we
still believe sell-out was quite OK."

Androidに出来てiPhoneに出来ない事 2
234 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[w]:2011/02/02(水) 19:28:10 ID:ARjl20+Z

悔しいのうwww つくづく悔しいのうwww
