トップページ > 科学ニュース+ > 2012年05月09日 > T3Bl+cih


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【生態】世界最北となるサンゴ礁 長崎県・対馬沖で確認/国立環境研究所


【生態】世界最北となるサンゴ礁 長崎県・対馬沖で確認/国立環境研究所
16 :名無しのひみつ[]:2012/05/09(水) 01:58:21.66 ID:T3Bl+cih
73 :名無しのひみつ[]:2012/05/09(水) 02:04:54.21 ID:T3Bl+cih
Oceania Aboriginal Australians, especially in the west-central parts of the continent,
have a high frequency of natural blond-to-brown hair,[35] with as many as 90–100%
of children having blond hair in some areas.[36] The trait among Indigenous Australians
is primarily associated with children. In maturity the hair usually turns a darker brown
color, but sometimes remains blond.[36] Blondness is also found in some other parts
of the South Pacific, such as the Solomon Islands,[28][29] Vanuatu, and Fiji, again
with higher incidences in children.

Natural blonde hair is more common among young children than adults, as blonde
hair usually darkens to a brunette shade with age. Natural blonde hair is rare in adulthood,
with some reports that only about 2% of the world's population is naturally blonde.[37]

