トップページ > 2ch運用情報 > 2016年12月31日 > pQ8Vn2Nn0


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こんな板が欲しい 【新板申請所(正式)】


こんな板が欲しい 【新板申請所(正式)】
115 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage]:2016/12/31(土) 15:01:08.44 ID:pQ8Vn2Nn0
We want a new board.

【板名】(Board name) ラブライブSS(LoveLiveSS) or ラブライブ新(LoveLiveNew)

【理由】(Reason) It is a popular idol animation in Japan.
Thread of LoveLiveSunshine(Group name is Aqours) are many.
Also, a future new group is expected.
It is the same as the old and new of Gundam series or new idol such as AKB series.

【内容】(Contents) It treats the topic of LoveLiveSunshine(Group name is Aqours) and future new group.
【フォルダ】(Folder) ラブライブSS(LoveLiveSS) or ラブライブ新(LoveLiveNew)
【カテゴリ】(Category) 漫画・小説等(Manga・Novel etc) or ネタ雑談(Story Chat)
【備考】(Remarks) SETTING.TXT is the same as the current LoveLive board(http://karma.2ch.net/lovelive/), please
こんな板が欲しい 【新板申請所(正式)】
116 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage]:2016/12/31(土) 15:35:55.77 ID:pQ8Vn2Nn0
>>115 Additional notes

In addition to the above thread
Each character, each voice actor,There are also many hit threads of insulting names
for that reason
It is making it difficult for old fans to find threads
