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2011年 東大合格者数 高校ランキング Part5


2011年 東大合格者数 高校ランキング Part5
986 :実名攻撃大好きKITTY[]:2011/03/26(土) 18:34:35.01 ID:338IP3ikP
Time to Reform Japan’s Education System

A nation that places traditional emphasis on the value of education,
Japan is home to one of the most stressful and unyielding secondary
educations systems in the world. Even after phasing out the six day
school week, the country boasts one of the longest, if not the
longest school year of any developed country.


2011年 東大合格者数 高校ランキング Part5
988 :実名攻撃大好きKITTY[]:2011/03/26(土) 18:48:01.10 ID:338IP3ikP
Japan is characterized by outdated formality, insularity, a
resistance to change and group think.
2011年 東大合格者数 高校ランキング Part5
992 :実名攻撃大好きKITTY[]:2011/03/26(土) 18:53:18.18 ID:338IP3ikP
福沢諭吉、同志社大学2代目学長小崎弘道 、東京大学教授丸山真男
210 :実名攻撃大好きKITTY[]:2011/03/26(土) 21:13:51.49 ID:338IP3ikP
PISA: U.S. is mediocre in reading, math, science

Compared to other developed countries, U.S. 15-year-olds are
average in reading and science literacy and below average in math,
according to study released today by PISA (Programme for
International Student Assessment), which is coordinated by the
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).

Does it matter? Some argue the U.S. has more high-scoring students
because we have more people than Korea, Singapore, Finland or
New Zealand, so it doesn’t matter if our students’ average
performance can’t match the high flyers’ performance.

Eighteen percent of U.S. students scored poorly in reading and
science and 23 percent scored poorly in math. On the other end
of the scale, 30 percent of U.S. students scored 4 or better in
reading, 27 percent did well in math and 29 percent were strong
in science literacy. Can we afford to write off 18 to 23 percent
of the population and rely on the top 27 to 30 percent?

- U.S. teachers’pay is very low compared to the top performing countries.
-Most teachers graduate in the bottom 25% of their college class,
and the worst teachers are sent to the worst schools, compounding
the test score problem and achievement gap.
