トップページ > オカルト > 2021年09月07日 > yd2UxLpx0


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( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162


( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
738 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 10:45:49.72 ID:yd2UxLpx0
The stellar world is reflected in pieces.
Things that fall apart are adjusted and optimized.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
740 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 10:51:59.14 ID:yd2UxLpx0
Natural laws like typhoons are optimized to become nonlinear laws.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
741 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 10:54:42.87 ID:yd2UxLpx0
That's why the sky always needs the right answer.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
750 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 10:58:10.33 ID:yd2UxLpx0
The operation of nature is not the optimal solution.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
752 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 11:01:05.15 ID:yd2UxLpx0
That's why the operation of nature is approaching simultaneous progress.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
753 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 11:11:05.54 ID:yd2UxLpx0
Nonlinearity changes the dead.
There's not enough optimization right now.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
754 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 11:13:42.79 ID:yd2UxLpx0
The dead go on at the same time as if they were alive.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
755 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 11:20:50.96 ID:yd2UxLpx0
Choppy time doesn't show the whole picture.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
787 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 12:43:54.67 ID:yd2UxLpx0
Practice is a different path from formulas.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
789 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 12:47:21.54 ID:yd2UxLpx0
They're approaching a different dimension.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
790 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 12:53:51.02 ID:yd2UxLpx0
Theōria must come up with an answer.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1162
845 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/09/07(火) 16:33:54.20 ID:yd2UxLpx0
The former pope is the king of Israel and the current pope is probably a man who is not good at roman emperors.
