トップページ > オカルト > 2021年05月30日 > M2JXMaD60


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( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133


( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
586 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 10:47:25.55 ID:M2JXMaD60
The transmission of hypothetical space has become faster.
It used to meander, so snakes and two-dimensional information may be related.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
589 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 10:55:56.01 ID:M2JXMaD60
2D information is needed in 3D, so it seems to enter the earth more.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
592 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 11:06:47.82 ID:M2JXMaD60
Like the rotation of imaginary numbers, the first and last are equals.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
595 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 11:17:58.84 ID:M2JXMaD60
The earth lacks many angles and scales.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
601 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 11:25:36.36 ID:M2JXMaD60
Lack of equilibrium is catastrophic, and lack of angles leads to poor visibility.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
612 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 11:32:33.91 ID:M2JXMaD60
The earth which does not reach the sky is lacking them.
That's what constitutes the underworld.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
626 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 11:43:46.81 ID:M2JXMaD60
The earth without the sky drives the living to the edge of death.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
653 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 12:14:09.42 ID:M2JXMaD60
It is easy to be inevitable in the hypothetical space.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
660 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 12:20:57.29 ID:M2JXMaD60
I'm thinking of using it inevitably because the data no longer meanders.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
676 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 12:35:32.06 ID:M2JXMaD60
It's a snake that can't be stepped on because it's data.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
678 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 12:37:16.73 ID:M2JXMaD60
Moses is always in a different structure.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
736 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 14:56:24.25 ID:M2JXMaD60
Witchcraft is also a different structure.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
743 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 15:14:00.81 ID:M2JXMaD60
They're structures that are not inevitable.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
829 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 16:43:22.48 ID:M2JXMaD60
The earth is harsh.
The heavens are the best inevitability.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
900 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 17:32:07.78 ID:M2JXMaD60
Nature becomes more dynamic.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
930 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 18:58:54.28 ID:M2JXMaD60
If the snake becomes a circle like Uroboros, the data may not meander.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1133
931 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/05/30(日) 18:59:51.00 ID:M2JXMaD60
The first and last are equals.
