トップページ > オカルト > 2021年02月22日 > 9PFN7Ay90


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( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087


( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
791 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 08:06:32.78 ID:9PFN7Ay90
Yin and Yang have the right answer on the plane.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
793 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 08:09:43.87 ID:9PFN7Ay90
The plane is a network of outer space.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
797 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 08:22:51.99 ID:9PFN7Ay90
The planer it becomes, the faster it transmits.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
802 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 08:33:18.01 ID:9PFN7Ay90
The undulations like the inside and out are understood from the plane.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
811 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 08:49:07.33 ID:9PFN7Ay90
Planes are associated with strata-like stairs.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
828 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 09:39:15.17 ID:9PFN7Ay90
I use it for transmission, but this world is an analogy, so there may be other ways to use it.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
829 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 09:44:15.98 ID:9PFN7Ay90
Not only time and space, but also human beings are analogies.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
837 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 09:56:17.00 ID:9PFN7Ay90
The set I think is polar, so the reality of philosophy should gather with me.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
840 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 10:30:03.97 ID:9PFN7Ay90
The formulas in the sky are accurate in time and space.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
849 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 10:46:05.03 ID:9PFN7Ay90
Because the set in the earth is various, space is probably various as well.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
855 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 11:04:11.78 ID:9PFN7Ay90
The set of polarity is also inside and out, and the faster the transmission of the plane, the better.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
863 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 11:09:14.17 ID:9PFN7Ay90
Because polarity is not only on the Earth, but in outer space.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
890 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 11:54:26.12 ID:9PFN7Ay90
The network connects outer space to the earth.
( ´^A^)予言、預言、予知夢、直感など総合1087
893 :本当にあった怖い名無し[sage]:2021/02/22(月) 11:57:41.32 ID:9PFN7Ay90
Polarity is in puzzle-like connectivity.
