トップページ > 北米海外生活 > 2019年02月12日 > Z4EC3nfRM


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アメリカ飽きたけど日本には帰れない - 27発目


アメリカ飽きたけど日本には帰れない - 27発目
752 :名無しさん[sage]:2019/02/12(火) 21:02:13.80 ID:Z4EC3nfRM

Aggregate income distribution

The aggregate income measures the combined income earned by all persons in a particular income group.
In 2007, all households in the United States earned roughly $7.723 trillion.
One half, 49.98%, of all income in the US was earned by households with an income over $100,000, the top twenty percent.
Over one quarter, 28.5%, of all income was earned by the top 8%, those households earning more than $150,000 a year.
The top 3.65%, with incomes over $200,000, earned 17.5%.
Households with annual incomes from $50,000 to $75,000, 18.2% of households, earned 16.5% of all income.
Households with annual incomes from $50,000 to $95,000, 28.1% of households, earned 28.8% of all income.
The bottom 10.3% earned 1.06% of all income.
