トップページ > ニュース速報+ > 2013年09月10日 > gex9YJr+0


577 位/23434 ID中時間01234567891011121314151617181920212223Total

【NHK】 韓国、五輪決定で政府に祝電★2
【原発問題】「東京五輪、ちっともうれしくない」 東京に避難の被災者の声★6
【東京五輪決定】 「10億人のイスラム世界と関係を切り捨てた」 トルコ首相、落選を非難
【論説】 経済評論家・三橋貴明 「消費税増税はデフレ深刻化の主因である」★2
【五輪】東京決定の決め手は安倍首相の「安心、安全」演説 前回の鳩山元首相と対照的[13/09/09]
【五輪】トルコから「おめでとう東京」ツイート多数 オリンピック開催地の決定で
【慰安婦問題】 韓国・ソウル大学の名誉教授 「たとえ親日家と罵られても、私は真実を語る」
【原発問題】福島県の佐藤知事「約束を守ってほしい」 汚染水問題の安倍総理発言に


949 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 00:24:01.03 ID:gex9YJr+0
48 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 00:48:55.06 ID:gex9YJr+0
Japan is a heinous war crime.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
【NHK】 韓国、五輪決定で政府に祝電★2
660 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 00:51:08.84 ID:gex9YJr+0
日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。

Japan is a heinous war crime.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
【原発問題】「東京五輪、ちっともうれしくない」 東京に避難の被災者の声★6
256 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 00:54:09.41 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
【東京五輪決定】 「10億人のイスラム世界と関係を切り捨てた」 トルコ首相、落選を非難
380 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 00:56:24.69 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
99 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 00:59:03.89 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
【NHK】 韓国、五輪決定で政府に祝電★2
752 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:01:19.29 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
277 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:06:03.57 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
154 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:08:28.11 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
40 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:10:52.45 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocence people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
【NHK】 韓国、五輪決定で政府に祝電★2
870 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:13:09.99 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocent people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
【論説】 経済評論家・三橋貴明 「消費税増税はデフレ深刻化の主因である」★2
71 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:15:24.66 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocent people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
334 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:19:08.54 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocent people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
126 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:21:27.96 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocent people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
【五輪】東京決定の決め手は安倍首相の「安心、安全」演説 前回の鳩山元首相と対照的[13/09/09]
846 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:23:42.60 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocent people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
【五輪】トルコから「おめでとう東京」ツイート多数 オリンピック開催地の決定で
407 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:26:07.59 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocent people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
150 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 01:28:31.35 ID:gex9YJr+0

日 本 は 戦 犯 国 で す。
Japan is a heinous war criminal.

When we study the history of the world, we learn that Japanese people are always keen on killing other people.
In the history of the eastern world, Japanese people always kill innocent people.
Massacre, bloodbath, carnage, butchery and holocaust are very familiar with Japanese people and those are their most favorite pastimes.
We humans cannot forgive Japanese people.
Japanese people should to be completely extinguished.
8 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 08:13:06.48 ID:gex9YJr+0
【慰安婦問題】 韓国・ソウル大学の名誉教授 「たとえ親日家と罵られても、私は真実を語る」
87 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 08:15:44.20 ID:gex9YJr+0
392 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 08:18:04.62 ID:gex9YJr+0
【原発問題】福島県の佐藤知事「約束を守ってほしい」 汚染水問題の安倍総理発言に
97 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 08:20:54.46 ID:gex9YJr+0
191 :名無しさん@13周年[]:2013/09/10(火) 09:42:55.88 ID:gex9YJr+0
