トップページ > ニュース国際+ > 2017年03月21日 > iQRaGbFJ


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ロックフェラー家の当主 デービッドさん死去 101歳 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
【米国】食いちぎられた科学〜トランプ政権2018予算案の衝撃 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
クリミア編入3年 ロシアの実効支配進む [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


ロックフェラー家の当主 デービッドさん死去 101歳 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
17 :七つの海の名無しさん[]:2017/03/21(火) 07:57:53.06 ID:iQRaGbFJ
American film director Aaron Russo was a member of the Rockefeller family in the interview with Alex Jones in 2006 and is an advanced member of the CFR (Foreign Relations Council)
Nicholas Rockefeller told me the following story as a part of the realization plan of the "New World Order [82]" concept eleven months before the 911 incident,
He was invited to join Nicholas Rockefeller's group. Six months after announcing this conversation, Russo died, due to bladder cancer that had been suffering from six years ago. Talk show host, Alex Jones,
Aaron said secretly that he thought that cancer was due to attack because "he was intimidated all the time."
【米国】食いちぎられた科学〜トランプ政権2018予算案の衝撃 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
92 :七つの海の名無しさん[]:2017/03/21(火) 07:59:19.56 ID:iQRaGbFJ
American film director Aaron Russo was a member of the Rockefeller family in the interview with Alex Jones in 2006 and is an advanced member of the CFR (Foreign Relations Council)
Nicholas Rockefeller told me the following story as a part of the realization plan of the "New World Order [82]" concept eleven months before the 911 incident,
He was invited to join Nicholas Rockefeller's group. Six months after announcing this conversation, Russo died, due to bladder cancer that had been suffering from six years ago. Talk show host, Alex Jones,
Aaron said secretly that he thought that cancer was due to attack because "he was intimidated all the time."
クリミア編入3年 ロシアの実効支配進む [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
30 :七つの海の名無しさん[]:2017/03/21(火) 08:00:28.61 ID:iQRaGbFJ
American film director Aaron Russo was a member of the Rockefeller family in the interview with Alex Jones in 2006 and is an advanced member of the CFR (Foreign Relations Council)
Nicholas Rockefeller told me the following story as a part of the realization plan of the "New World Order [82]" concept eleven months before the 911 incident,
He was invited to join Nicholas Rockefeller's group. Six months after announcing this conversation, Russo died, due to bladder cancer that had been suffering from six years ago. Talk show host, Alex Jones,
Aaron said secretly that he thought that cancer was due to attack because "he was intimidated all the time."
