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またBB2Cが勝ってしまったのか [転載禁止]©2ch.net
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
ブスから「カニ食べ行こう」って誘われたんだけどさ ・・・ [転載禁止]©2ch.net
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さっき彼女と別れたんだがwww [転載禁止]©2ch.net
大学入学して1年たったけど、まだぼっちwwwwww [転載禁止]©2ch.net
人生でもっとも重要なもの [転載禁止]©2ch.net
意識高い系俺の日常:4:00就寝→14:00起床→インターネットチェック→16:00サイゼでドヤァ→17:00インターネットチェック [転載禁止]©2ch.net
「荒らし」の発音って「嵐」じゃなくて「からし」と一緒だよな [転載禁止]©2ch.net
【悲報】なんJで特定された長谷川亮太君、勝手にマイナビに登録され勝手に就活される [転載禁止]©2ch.net
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【緊急悲報】SHIROBAKOの平岡くん、ホモだったwwwwwwwwwwww [転載禁止]©2ch.net
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Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
172 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:42:26.42 ID:M0evtBmj0
I've never seen them, what's yakuza like?
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
175 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:42:46.01 ID:M0evtBmj0
What's TOEIC?
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
178 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:43:25.61 ID:M0evtBmj0
I'm not furries
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
181 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:44:37.04 ID:M0evtBmj0
good question, I like Swift Taylor just because of that beauty, yeab tbh I don't listen to music so much.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
184 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:45:54.36 ID:M0evtBmj0
tbh, she is.
kiss shot is best monogatari other than Kaiki who's perfectly GOAT girl.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
188 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:46:09.60 ID:M0evtBmj0
Shinobu chan.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
191 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:46:58.49 ID:M0evtBmj0
so I did already, my ID was on the OP.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
193 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:47:37.97 ID:M0evtBmj0
I also support Manchester UTD, this season is a little better.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
203 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:49:08.42 ID:M0evtBmj0
well, I don't care them, don't wanna talk about them.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
206 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:49:38.82 ID:M0evtBmj0
She's decent yeah, fuckin adorable.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
211 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:50:30.05 ID:M0evtBmj0
no problem, many people actually speaking English here.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
214 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:50:51.86 ID:M0evtBmj0
hi nippon kun!
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
216 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:51:25.30 ID:M0evtBmj0
op means thn original post lad.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
227 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:52:17.30 ID:M0evtBmj0
understood, then it's hard for me to give some advice cuz I've never taken that test tbh.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
236 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:54:26.58 ID:M0evtBmj0
you should spend time on other things tbh, what does matter if I'm really irish or not?
brits never care who's English or scottish, you better learn that tolerance from them.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
238 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:55:03.20 ID:M0evtBmj0
What'll happen?
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
240 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:55:21.84 ID:M0evtBmj0
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
247 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:56:29.46 ID:M0evtBmj0
omg, how was JAPAN able to create someone like her?
thanks JAPAN.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
249 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:57:08.20 ID:M0evtBmj0
ah, I've seen you, hi kazuma!
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
253 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:57:51.27 ID:M0evtBmj0
Shinobu chan. my second is monkey.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
260 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 00:59:19.09 ID:M0evtBmj0
so What difference that's gonna make?
I just wanna have a good time with you tbh.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
263 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:00:09.38 ID:M0evtBmj0
I think backs are too weak, what the fuck BLAKET is.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
265 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:01:02.61 ID:M0evtBmj0
you know it, cork.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
268 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:01:51.27 ID:M0evtBmj0
FIFA only tbh.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
269 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:02:25.47 ID:M0evtBmj0
my op is the PROOF, believe me lad.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
274 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:03:33.63 ID:M0evtBmj0
It's gonna be OASIS kek, sorry I'm not so interested in music.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
275 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:03:45.59 ID:M0evtBmj0
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
279 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:04:40.81 ID:M0evtBmj0
kissless friendless partyless virgin, but not sorcerer yet tbh.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
280 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:04:58.37 ID:M0evtBmj0
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
281 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:05:09.30 ID:M0evtBmj0
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
285 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:05:40.48 ID:M0evtBmj0
That's dangerous, VIP has many gay people?
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
287 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:06:19.57 ID:M0evtBmj0
then, I'm gonna lost my virginity, that's a like...., scare.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
289 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:06:34.59 ID:M0evtBmj0
love ya too
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
294 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:07:36.25 ID:M0evtBmj0
Shinobu isn't bitch, she's intelligent, beautiful, powerful, kawaii, anyway GOAT.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
298 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:08:09.47 ID:M0evtBmj0
What's fishing? you mean trolling?
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
301 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:08:52.90 ID:M0evtBmj0
thank you for your sincerity.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
308 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:10:36.38 ID:M0evtBmj0
I have to say thats a form of rasism tbh, you can't distinguish people by their nationality, this is the faith every people should have.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
323 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:11:40.57 ID:M0evtBmj0
at fist he's said gonna be one of the best Df in epl tho, what went wrong...
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
329 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:11:59.86 ID:M0evtBmj0
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
336 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:12:24.08 ID:M0evtBmj0
it's ok.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
341 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:12:47.49 ID:M0evtBmj0
ID means identification tbh.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
349 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:13:10.43 ID:M0evtBmj0
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
357 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:13:38.94 ID:M0evtBmj0
my mom's 80, what's about that?
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
367 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:14:17.15 ID:M0evtBmj0
kawaii, more pics are needed tbh.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
387 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:15:24.32 ID:M0evtBmj0
it's sad, preparing an ID took me so long time tho.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
394 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:15:48.93 ID:M0evtBmj0
i haven't taken it sorry.
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
396 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:16:10.97 ID:M0evtBmj0
nippon kun desu
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
401 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:16:49.24 ID:M0evtBmj0
I don't knmw tbh, wtf these digits?
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
412 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:17:25.83 ID:M0evtBmj0
disgusting, don't post ever!
Hello VIP, I'm from Ireland, any questions? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
416 :以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします[]:2015/03/13(金) 01:17:41.96 ID:M0evtBmj0
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