トップページ > アジア速報+ > 2015年11月01日 > 5dccXs57


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南シナ海への米艦船派遣、EUが支持表明 比・ベトナムが米と協力強化 日米豪でパトロール構想も 韓国のみ困惑、米中の顔色うかがい [転載禁止]©2ch.net
米駆逐艦が南シナ海の中国「領海」航行、安倍首相やオーストラリアやベトナムやフィリピンやインドネシアが支持 民主党はSEALDsを支持w [転載禁止]©2ch.net


南シナ海への米艦船派遣、EUが支持表明 比・ベトナムが米と協力強化 日米豪でパトロール構想も 韓国のみ困惑、米中の顔色うかがい [転載禁止]©2ch.net
12 :オリエンタルな名無しさん@転載は禁止[sage]:2015/11/01(日) 09:27:43.90 ID:5dccXs57
An imagination of World War III
precondition: Nuclear weapons are never used because of nuclear deterrence

Eastern Europe Theater
Russian Army invaded Ukraine. NATO and Ukraine resisted Russian aggression.

Eastern Asia Theater
The People's Republic of China commanded Army (PLA) to start anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD).
U.S. and Allies countered by Air-Sea Battle (ASB) and Distant Blockade and Maritime Denial.
ASB: regional conflict in the First Island Line
Distant Blockade: Oil embargo against China
Maritime Denial: to contain China in Asia Continent

Air-Sea Battle (ASB)
the Battle of Spratly
the Battle of Tawan
the Battle of Senkaku
U.S. and Allies defeated PLAAF and PLAN

Distant Blockade and Maritime Denial
50% of China's GDP depends on overseas trade, and 85% of Chinese trade depends on shipping.
China had depleted its natural energy resources.

Xi Jinping ordered Operation Barbarossa
PLAGF intruded into Siberia to gain Russian natural gas.
PLAGF occupied Siberia and aimed to Moscow, but PLAGF was annihilated by burden of far long
logistics and Russian Winter.

Operation Double Cross
U.S. and Allies deceived PLA as if Allies' landing place was Shanghai.

Operation Overload
U.S. and Allies crossed the Yellow Sea and landed on Tianjin.
Allied Forces occupied Beijing. Xi-Jinping committed suicide in bunker.
Chinese Communist Party vanished and CCP executives were executed.
China dissolved into over one hundred countries.
Russia waned and disrupted.

references cited
Air-Sea Battle by U.S. Department of Defense

Beyond Air-Sea Battle by The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

The Hundred-Year Marathon by Michael Pillsbury
米駆逐艦が南シナ海の中国「領海」航行、安倍首相やオーストラリアやベトナムやフィリピンやインドネシアが支持 民主党はSEALDsを支持w [転載禁止]©2ch.net
24 :オリエンタルな名無しさん@転載は禁止[sage]:2015/11/01(日) 17:21:45.57 ID:5dccXs57
An imagination of World War III
precondition: Nuclear weapons are never used because of nuclear deterrence

Eastern Europe Theater
Russian Army invaded Ukraine. NATO and Ukraine resisted Russian aggression.

Eastern Asia Theater
The People's Republic of China commanded Army (PLA) to start anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD).
U.S. and Allies countered by Air-Sea Battle (ASB) and Distant Blockade and Maritime Denial.
ASB: regional conflict in the First Island Line
Distant Blockade: Oil embargo against China
Maritime Denial: to contain China in Asia Continent

Air-Sea Battle (ASB)
the Battle of Spratly
the Battle of Tawan
the Battle of Senkaku
U.S. and Allies defeated PLAAF and PLAN

Distant Blockade and Maritime Denial
50% of China's GDP depends on overseas trade, and 85% of Chinese trade depends on shipping.
China had depleted its natural energy resources.

Xi Jinping ordered Operation Barbarossa
PLAGF intruded into Siberia to gain Russian natural gas.
PLAGF occupied Siberia and aimed to Moscow, but PLAGF was annihilated by burden of far long
logistics and Russian Winter.

Operation Double Cross
U.S. and Allies deceived PLA as if Allies' landing place was Shanghai.

Operation Overload
U.S. and Allies crossed the Yellow Sea and landed on Tianjin.
Allied Forces occupied Beijing. Xi-Jinping committed suicide in bunker.
Chinese Communist Party vanished and CCP executives were executed.
China dissolved into over one hundred countries.
Russia waned and disrupted.

references cited
Air-Sea Battle by U.S. Department of Defense

Beyond Air-Sea Battle by The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)

The Hundred-Year Marathon by Michael Pillsbury
