トップページ > 東アジアnews+ > 2023年11月25日 > cf0EHKUR


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<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん
【韓国】元慰安婦が勝訴 日本政府に一人2300万円の賠償命令 資産差し押さえの可能性 ★9 [動物園φ★]
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
【消されるぞ!】 アメリカ亡命中の研究者が決死の告発「新型コロナは『中国軍の生物兵器』として開発された」 [11/24] [仮面ウニダー★]
中国国営メディア「中国はもう投資が経済成長を刺激するという古いやり方には頼らない」[11/24] [昆虫図鑑★]
【ハイアール】 中共家電Haier、低価格からハイエンドまで成長…韓国サムスン・LGに「脅威」[11/20] [仮面ウニダー★]
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]


【韓国】元慰安婦が勝訴 日本政府に一人2300万円の賠償命令 資産差し押さえの可能性 ★9 [動物園φ★]
91 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 03:57:20.44 ID:cf0EHKUR

【韓国】元慰安婦が勝訴 日本政府に一人2300万円の賠償命令 資産差し押さえの可能性 ★9 [動物園φ★]
92 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 03:57:44.18 ID:cf0EHKUR
『信川虐殺事件』 住民の4分の1にあたる朝鮮人3万5383人が米軍に虐殺された




#SinchonMassacre #KoreanWar #USWarCrimes
【韓国】元慰安婦が勝訴 日本政府に一人2300万円の賠償命令 資産差し押さえの可能性 ★9 [動物園φ★]
93 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 03:59:23.74 ID:cf0EHKUR


Curtis Lemay:
So we went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea, too.
We even burned down Pusan--an accident, but we burned it down anyway. The Marines started a battle down there with no enemy in sight.
Over a period of three years or so, we killed off-what-twenty percent of the population of Korea as direct casualties of war, or from starvation and exposure?
【韓国】元慰安婦が勝訴 日本政府に一人2300万円の賠償命令 資産差し押さえの可能性 ★9 [動物園φ★]
94 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 03:59:56.69 ID:cf0EHKUR
Do you love Korean BBQ?


【韓国】元慰安婦が勝訴 日本政府に一人2300万円の賠償命令 資産差し押さえの可能性 ★9 [動物園φ★]
95 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:00:23.55 ID:cf0EHKUR

【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
694 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:04:19.76 ID:cf0EHKUR
History lesson time for Kim Park Lees

Korean women and sex slave history

Korea provided Korean concubines to Mongol men.
>As with all parts of the Mongol Empire, Goryeo provided palace women to the Mongols.[24] Korean concubines were procured by the Khan.[25]

Korean women were sex slaves under the Qing dynasty.
>Many Korean women were kidnapped and were raped at the hand of the Qing forces, and as a result were unwelcomed by their families even if they were released by the Qing after being ransomed.[18]

Korea rounded up Korean women and sent them to Japaense military brothels.
>Koreans acted as subcontractors for the Japanese comfort women procurers in WWII. Koreans were not only involved in the recruitment of women but also in the management of the comfort stations themselves. He gives the example of China’s Jiangxi Province, where “16 comfort stations opened in 1940 and half of these newly opened comfort stations, and two of the restaurants, were run by Korean proprietors.”[6]

Korean government is one big pimp for the U.S. military.
>A group of former prostitutes in South Korea accused some of their country’s former leaders of encouraging them to have sex with American soldiers, and taking a direct hand in the sex trade from the 1960s through the 1980s. “Our government was one big pimp for the U.S. military,” one of the women, Kim Ae-ran, stated.[25]

Thousands of North Korean women sold into sex slavery in China.
>The report also found that girls as young as 9 "are forced to perform graphic sex acts and are sexually assaulted in front of webcams which are live-streamed to a paying global audience."
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
695 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:04:42.64 ID:cf0EHKUR
Gooks are like a hobo on the street that begs you with a sad story and you put money in his cup.
The next day you see him again with the same story like you've never heard it before.

【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
696 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:05:26.69 ID:cf0EHKUR
Imagine being an endless gib beggar for 80 fucking years
Imagine worshiping military prostitute """Cumwhore Women""" like an innocent angel and use them as a main political tool
Imagine consuming so much soy to get butthurt over a fucking flag
Imagine being a Korean

With all the seething they do, yeah, no wonder all gooks have permanent slant eyes.
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
697 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:06:33.42 ID:cf0EHKUR
The biggest tragedy for "Lai Dai Han" and "Kopino" is that they keep suffering their half Korean looks throughout their lives.
I couldn't stand that kind of humiliation.


>Women raped by Korean soldiers during Vietnam war still awaiting apology. "He pulled me inside the room, closed the door and raped me repeatedly," said Tran, now almost 80, and still waiting for South Korea to acknowledge sexual violence by its soldiers during the Vietnam war.
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
698 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:07:08.98 ID:cf0EHKUR
>Yes, our national pride is to symbolize our women as Japanese men's cumsluts!

Imagine being this much of a cuck. kek
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
700 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:11:07.38 ID:cf0EHKUR
"We stand up for Palestine against Japanese occupation, nida!"

Do gooks only know how to play the victim at every opportunity presented?
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
707 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:27:16.71 ID:cf0EHKUR
【韓国】元慰安婦が勝訴 日本政府に一人2300万円の賠償命令 資産差し押さえの可能性 ★9 [動物園φ★]
99 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:28:08.65 ID:cf0EHKUR
【消されるぞ!】 アメリカ亡命中の研究者が決死の告発「新型コロナは『中国軍の生物兵器』として開発された」 [11/24] [仮面ウニダー★]
212 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:48:04.08 ID:cf0EHKUR

Q: Did "Nanking massacre" actually happen? I know nothing about the Japanese-Sino war, give me a quick rundown.

A: No, it didn't happen.
It was nothing more than warfare where the Japanese army slaughtered the KMT army including guerrillas, with acceptable civilian casualties.
Mao didn't make a single mention of "Nanking massacre" in his whole life, because no such massacre happened.

Japan conquered Nanking in 1937, the Chinese capital of the time, and that's all that matters to history.
It was glorious conquest for Japan, not a thing to be ashamed of.
China had to move its capital from Nanking (1928-1937) to Chongqing (1937-1945) to cope.

The Rape of Nanking (1997) was fabricated as an afterthought by Iris Chang, claiming it was """Forgotten Holocaust."""
The cunt was mentally-ill and committed suicide in 2004 after exposed as a scam.
You have to be a legit two-digit IQ to believe this fake and gay atrocity. Even if real, chinks still deserve to be extinct.
中国国営メディア「中国はもう投資が経済成長を刺激するという古いやり方には頼らない」[11/24] [昆虫図鑑★]
247 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:49:50.52 ID:cf0EHKUR

Q: Did "Nanking massacre" actually happen? I know nothing about the Japanese-Sino war, give me a quick rundown.

A: No, it didn't happen.
It was nothing more than warfare where the Japanese army slaughtered the KMT army including guerrillas, with acceptable civilian casualties.
Mao didn't make a single mention of "Nanking massacre" in his whole life, because no such massacre happened.

Japan conquered Nanking in 1937, the Chinese capital of the time, and that's all that matters to history.
It was glorious conquest for Japan, not a thing to be ashamed of.
China had to move its capital from Nanking (1928-1937) to Chongqing (1937-1945) to cope.

The Rape of Nanking (1997) was fabricated as an afterthought by Iris Chang, claiming it was """Forgotten Holocaust."""
The cunt was mentally-ill and committed suicide in 2004 after exposed as a scam.
You have to be a legit two-digit IQ to believe this fake and gay atrocity. Even if real, chinks still deserve to be extinct.
【ハイアール】 中共家電Haier、低価格からハイエンドまで成長…韓国サムスン・LGに「脅威」[11/20] [仮面ウニダー★]
122 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:50:34.52 ID:cf0EHKUR

Q: Did "Nanking massacre" actually happen? I know nothing about the Japanese-Sino war, give me a quick rundown.

A: No, it didn't happen.
It was nothing more than warfare where the Japanese army slaughtered the KMT army including guerrillas, with acceptable civilian casualties.
Mao didn't make a single mention of "Nanking massacre" in his whole life, because no such massacre happened.

Japan conquered Nanking in 1937, the Chinese capital of the time, and that's all that matters to history.
It was glorious conquest for Japan, not a thing to be ashamed of.
China had to move its capital from Nanking (1928-1937) to Chongqing (1937-1945) to cope.

The Rape of Nanking (1997) was fabricated as an afterthought by Iris Chang, claiming it was """Forgotten Holocaust."""
The cunt was mentally-ill and committed suicide in 2004 after exposed as a scam.
You have to be a legit two-digit IQ to believe this fake and gay atrocity. Even if real, chinks still deserve to be extinct.
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない [動物園φ★]
723 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 04:57:51.50 ID:cf0EHKUR
Historically speaking, not a single Korean/Chinese army has ever managed to set foot on Japanese soil, while opposite cases were countless.
Japan also conquered nearly all major cities in China.

Now all you can do is whine about """Japanese atrocities""" like a coping cuck. kek

【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
60 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 12:41:34.47 ID:cf0EHKUR

【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
66 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 12:42:32.19 ID:cf0EHKUR
『信川虐殺事件』 住民の4分の1にあたる朝鮮人3万5383人が米軍に虐殺された




#SinchonMassacre #KoreanWar #USWarCrimes
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
69 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 12:43:26.09 ID:cf0EHKUR

【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
75 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 12:44:59.04 ID:cf0EHKUR
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
107 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 12:59:14.90 ID:cf0EHKUR
"Here's your reparations!" 「賠償が欲しいならくれてやるぜ!」


【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
119 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 13:04:01.29 ID:cf0EHKUR

【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
183 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 18:26:15.11 ID:cf0EHKUR
Gooks are like a hobo on the street that begs you with a sad story and you put money in his cup.
The next day you see him again with the same story like you've never heard it before.

【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
184 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 18:26:56.75 ID:cf0EHKUR
Imagine being an endless gib beggar for 80 fucking years
Imagine worshiping military prostitute """Cumwhore Women""" like an innocent angel and use them as a main political tool
Imagine consuming so much soy to get butthurt over a fucking flag
Imagine being a Korean

With all the seething they do, yeah, no wonder all gooks have permanent slant eyes.
【韓国】軍慰安婦のような反人道的な犯罪を犯した国は、その責任から逃れられない ★3 [仮面ウニダー★]
185 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん[]:2023/11/25(土) 18:27:35.67 ID:cf0EHKUR
>Yes, our national pride is to symbolize our women as Japanese men's cumsluts!

Imagine being this much of a cuck. kek
