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【New Wave】ニューウェーブ Vol..19【Post-Punk】


【New Wave】ニューウェーブ Vol..19【Post-Punk】
916 :ベストヒット名無しさん[sage]:2018/10/04(木) 06:01:15.77 ID:2ormkTOr
"An apparent chaos of eccentric composition and overwhelming melancholy..." David Fricke.

On the same day as Tom Petty's "An American Treasure" 4 CD set (and with similar packaging)
this collection of Spence's music has also been released and--talk about opposite ends of the
music spectrum--listening to both albums is to go to opposite ends of music making.
If you've heard the original album or one of the later reissues, this 3 CD expanded set is more of the same.
It's an even deeper, more ethereal, and harrowing look into the mind of Alexander "Skip" Spence,
late of Jefferson Airplane and Moby Grape, and then Bellevue Hospital. This album's title is a take-off on the song
"Andmoreagain" by Love from the "Forever Changes" album.
When the original album was released I bought it wondering just what it was going to be. I had heard about Spence's
mental breakdown along with his use of massive amounts of LSD, and his psychiatric care, so I wasn't really
expecting too much--and I was right. But occasionally there are a few moments of spooky clarity in the tracks
he recorded--only for him to sink back into the dark areas of his mind.
I was thinking again along the lines of Syd Barrett when I first heard about this latest 3 CD album, but Spence seems
to go even deeper into that dark void than even Barrett did. The additional tracks confirm on an even deeper level that
Spence was troubled and couldn't get out of his mindset, which is too bad because he was largely the spark that ignited
Moby Grape in the beginning. The closest I can compare some of these tracks to anything is some of the earliest gospel
or maybe blues music, that seemed to come from an almost equally spooky, far away place most of us know nothing about,
even now.If you're familiar with this album in it's earlier forms, this is more of the same. For me it's hard going because
you can hear that Spenceis right on the edge of possibly even worse mental troubles--or maybe he's already slipped over it--
into another world.This is a document of someone in a very altered mental condition, and playing all the instruments himself
along with his broken vocals,and with his very personal lyrics, on a limited budget, over six days of recording, is proof of that.
A scary, sad listen if you want to venture into another side of music making we rarely get to hear.
