トップページ > 懐メロ洋楽 > 2011年12月01日 > ITTu537F


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734 :ベストヒット名無しさん[sage]:2011/12/01(木) 16:53:15.40 ID:ITTu537F
I was born in 1970. I was 10 in 1980 and all of my teen years were in the eighties.
To all of you who were born after the eighties: ha ha fudgers. You missed out!
Best decade, ever!
From Michael Jackson and Queen, to Nirvana, we had the best generation
ever. So happy; so carefree; so fun. The eighties? will never be matched again.
735 :ベストヒット名無しさん[sage]:2011/12/01(木) 16:53:58.85 ID:ITTu537F
Jesus Fucking Christ, what a goddamn bullshit generation of retarded shitheads and talentless fucks!
Nothing but a buncha FAKE-ASS BITCHES and PUNK MOTHERFUCKERS who 'act' like they could sing,
when they can't even MOAN any better than an old goat getting humped in a violent rainstorm...
Now THIS HERE is a fine example of what REALLY GOOD FUCKING? MUSIC should sound like,
and LOOK like.
So FUCK all the bitch-ass motherfuckers and crying goats of today's music!
80's FOREVER!!!
