トップページ > ミステリー > 2023年06月07日 > FSILwQSa


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122 :名無しのオプ[sage]:2023/06/07(水) 05:31:13.94 ID:FSILwQSa
Michael Connelly
The word is out. The second season of The Lincoln Lawyer starts on Netflix on July 6. I’m very excited about this season. It’s based on The Fifth Witness (2011) and like season one, I marvel at how the writers of the show took a book very much set in its time and

Michael Connelly

came up with a contemporary story that just works so well. I don’t want to give anything away but I think viewers will love the story and of course the performances by the cast — Manuel, Becki, Neve, Jazz, Angus, and newcomers Lana Parrilla and Yaya DaCosta — are great. - MC
