トップページ > 芸スポ速報+ > 2017年01月28日 > pEpBGMLG0


49 位/18177 ID中時間01234567891011121314151617181920212223Total

【ドラマ】『北の国から』全話収録DVDマガジンが創刊決定、登場人物たちの「その後」が読める倉本聰書き下ろし連載も [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
【話題】ロンブー淳、ベビーカー論争に怒り爆発「車載カメラつけようかな」 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
【乃木坂46】中元日芽香 17thシングル期間、活動休止のお知らせ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
「ホモと言って/みんなが笑う」ジョージマイケルが勃起したペニスを男性に向ける ホモ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


【ドラマ】『北の国から』全話収録DVDマガジンが創刊決定、登場人物たちの「その後」が読める倉本聰書き下ろし連載も [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
915 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 20:17:01.38 ID:pEpBGMLG0
【ドラマ】『北の国から』全話収録DVDマガジンが創刊決定、登場人物たちの「その後」が読める倉本聰書き下ろし連載も [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
916 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 20:20:05.44 ID:pEpBGMLG0
【ドラマ】『北の国から』全話収録DVDマガジンが創刊決定、登場人物たちの「その後」が読める倉本聰書き下ろし連載も [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
918 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 20:27:46.13 ID:pEpBGMLG0

【話題】ロンブー淳、ベビーカー論争に怒り爆発「車載カメラつけようかな」 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
643 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 20:39:20.54 ID:pEpBGMLG0
【乃木坂46】中元日芽香 17thシングル期間、活動休止のお知らせ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
72 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[sage]:2017/01/28(土) 20:43:14.49 ID:pEpBGMLG0
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
21 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:03:56.92 ID:pEpBGMLG0
Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Guns N' Roses JAPAN tour
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
31 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:12:18.09 ID:pEpBGMLG0
Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017




Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
33 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:12:47.23 ID:pEpBGMLG0
Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017




Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
35 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:13:04.16 ID:pEpBGMLG0
Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017




Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
38 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:13:49.16 ID:pEpBGMLG0
Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017




Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
42 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:14:53.79 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017




Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
44 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:15:45.86 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017




Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
46 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:17:38.62 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017




Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
50 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:20:38.67 ID:pEpBGMLG0
Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
57 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:27:47.22 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
63 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:30:55.50 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
65 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:31:29.55 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
67 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:32:06.31 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
69 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:33:44.77 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
71 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:35:32.54 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
74 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:36:43.46 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
77 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:38:11.83 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
80 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:42:04.59 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
86 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:44:40.35 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
88 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:44:59.23 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
98 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:50:16.34 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
100 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:51:06.94 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
107 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:54:35.49 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
「ホモと言って/みんなが笑う」ジョージマイケルが勃起したペニスを男性に向ける ホモ [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
16 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:55:01.87 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
110 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:55:36.94 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
112 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:57:38.94 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
115 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 22:59:18.16 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
117 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:00:18.98 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
121 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:03:19.91 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
124 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:09:35.76 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
127 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:12:26.08 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
132 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:20:33.05 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
136 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:24:49.62 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
144 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:32:16.12 ID:pEpBGMLG0

Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017



Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
151 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:40:46.51 ID:pEpBGMLG0




Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE

極悪プロモーター クリエイティブマン
通称 クリマン



極悪ミュージシャン スラッシュ × 極悪プロモーター クリマン
極悪興行 ガンズJAPANツアー
Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
153 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:42:03.24 ID:pEpBGMLG0




Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE

極悪プロモーター クリエイティブマン
通称 クリマン



極悪ミュージシャン スラッシュ × 極悪プロモーター クリマン
極悪興行 ガンズJAPANツアー
Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
155 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:42:33.43 ID:pEpBGMLG0




Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE

極悪プロモーター クリエイティブマン
通称 クリマン



極悪ミュージシャン スラッシュ × 極悪プロモーター クリマン
極悪興行 ガンズJAPANツアー
Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
158 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:44:01.87 ID:pEpBGMLG0




Slash urges Japan to stop hunting dolphins

Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash has called for an end to what he calls a "deplorable" situation in regards
to the annual dolphin hunting and slaughter in a western Japanese fishing town.

UK marine welfare charity Sea Shepherd said last week that over 200 bottlenose dolphins were captured
and held in a pod in Taiji, a port town in western Japan infamous with its annual cull of the mammal.

Sea Shepherd said dolphins were kept in a cove while divers were selecting which dolphins to sell
to marine parks and dolphinariums, while the rest will be slaughtered, it said.

"The situation is deplorable. I'm really happy that it's becoming more and more aware to a broader audience that,
what's going on here. The situation at the cove and like the one that I just found out about recently,
it's the kind of thing that just has to stop, and I think that it's possible to put an end to it.
It's just going to take more and more people speaking out,
'' Slash told Reuters in Tokyo on Friday (January 27) where his group are performing over the weekend.

"We can put a stop to it whatever that takes - if it means for the aquariums to stop having the shows, or make it illegal to trap the dolphins, whatever it takes to be able to put an end to it," said Slash, whose real name is Saul Hudson.

ガンズアンドローゼス スラッシュ

Michael Jackson with SLASH / BLACK or WHITE

極悪プロモーター クリエイティブマン
通称 クリマン



極悪ミュージシャン スラッシュ × 極悪プロモーター クリマン
極悪興行 ガンズJAPANツアー
Guns N' Roses JAPAN TOUR 2017
BABYMETALの中元すず香の姉、乃木坂46中元日芽香活動休止 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
163 :名無しさん@恐縮です@無断転載は禁止[]:2017/01/28(土) 23:55:11.48 ID:pEpBGMLG0
Slash joins fight to end dolphin hunting in Japan
