トップページ > 野球総合 > 2014年08月30日 > 7s7ex5m+


51 位/805 ID中時間01234567891011121314151617181920212223Total

UUU★New York Yankees★878 UUU


UUU★New York Yankees★878 UUU
795 :名無しさん@実況は実況板で[sage]:2014/08/30(土) 02:50:05.46 ID:7s7ex5m+
But Avila hit the first pitch deep to right.
It stayed in the park, but Ichiro Suzuki could not make the catch and Kelley swiped the grass with his glove in frustration.
UUU★New York Yankees★878 UUU
813 :名無しさん@実況は実況板で[sage]:2014/08/30(土) 03:17:25.85 ID:7s7ex5m+
UUU★New York Yankees★878 UUU
817 :名無しさん@実況は実況板で[sage]:2014/08/30(土) 03:23:41.55 ID:7s7ex5m+
打席では selfish ゴキロー
守備では awkward ゴキロー
UUU★New York Yankees★878 UUU
823 :名無しさん@実況は実況板で[sage]:2014/08/30(土) 03:42:05.65 ID:7s7ex5m+
打席では selfish ゴキロー
守備では awkward ゴキロー
UUU★New York Yankees★878 UUU
824 :名無しさん@実況は実況板で[sage]:2014/08/30(土) 03:44:21.16 ID:7s7ex5m+
Why do Ichiro's teammates hate him now?
UUU★New York Yankees★878 UUU
832 :名無しさん@実況は実況板で[sage]:2014/08/30(土) 04:23:17.97 ID:7s7ex5m+
Ichiro Suzuki Frustrated with Media After New York Yankees Loss to Detroit Tigers
UUU★New York Yankees★878 UUU
833 :名無しさん@実況は実況板で[sage]:2014/08/30(土) 04:24:18.07 ID:7s7ex5m+
Ichiro Suzuki's failed catch in the ninth inning of the New York Yankees loss to the Detroit Tigers on Thursday afternoon
led to a ton of questions about the last play of the game, and Suzuki seemed to want none of it.
