トップページ > 番組ch(フジ) > 2006年10月04日 > 9QRo08XO



名無しでいいとも!24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part22
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part25
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part18
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part23
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part19
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part21



24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
197 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:46:36.81 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
214 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:46:56.63 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
236 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:47:07.78 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
261 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:47:30.18 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
303 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:48:19.09 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
504 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:50:36.37 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
612 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:52:06.08 ID:9QRo08XO
10:00 A.M.
In mid-robbery, Jack blacks out the security cameras. He removes his

10:01 A.M.
Driscoll fights to stay calm in the midst of crisis. She learns that
Andrew Paige was taken to the hospital and that two Middle-Eastern
men were found at the site with gunshot wounds to the head. She is
furious that Jack is still at large with the suspect. Curtis tries to
convince her to focus on Heller instead, but she wants all tactical
teams to locate Jack.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
639 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:52:32.82 ID:9QRo08XO

24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
720 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:54:05.17 ID:9QRo08XO
10:03 A.M.
Jack orders all the customers in the store to hand over their wallets
and cell phones. He also takes Kalil’s gun. Jack gets the keys from
the clerk to lock the front door.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
795 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:54:57.19 ID:9QRo08XO
10:05 A.M.
Jack calls Chloe to tell her about his staged robbery. She still
doesn’t have the satellite up. Curtis summons her to a Driscoll
briefing, and she is forced to log off the system.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
874 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:55:48.71 ID:9QRo08XO
10:06 A.M.
Curtis ignores Marianne when she asks to be included in the briefing.
Driscoll informs her staff about Andrew’s safety and Jack’s
intervention. As she speaks, Driscoll checks to see Chloe’s
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part14
994 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:57:58.66 ID:9QRo08XO
10:07 A.M.
After the meeting, Driscoll has Sarah bug Chloe’s system. She is
sure that Chloe knew about Andrew, which means she’s been in touch
with Jack.

Meanwhile, Jack has the clerk open the store safe. He inquires about
its armored truck scheduled delivery, which isn’t for another two
hours. Kalil whispers to another customer that he must do something
to stop the thief.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
46 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 00:59:10.82 ID:9QRo08XO
10:08 A.M.
Omar is frustrated because Kalil is not answering his phone. He sends
people to the area to find him. Omar orders another henchman to boot
up the routers instead of waiting for Kalil. Heller begs Omar to let
Audrey go. Audrey sees that her father is having trouble breathing.
She begs a guard that he needs his nitroglycerin for his heart
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
155 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:01:31.59 ID:9QRo08XO
10:14 A.M.
Sarah tells Driscoll that she hasn’t seen any communication between
Chloe and Jack. Chloe speaks to Edgar privately, asking him for help
because she can tell that Sarah has tapped into her system. Chloe
admits to assisting Jack, and she needs Edgar to do the satellite
instead. Edgar only relents because Chloe has been helpful to him in
the past. Neither of them notices that Marianne has heard the entire
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
318 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:05:17.40 ID:9QRo08XO
10:16 A.M.
Heller becomes enraged despite Audrey trying to calm him down.
Suddenly, Heller keels over and moans in pain. Audrey summons the
guard for help because her father is having a heart attack. The guard
radios for help and unlocks the door. Heller jumps him from behind.
Audrey is surprised, but manages to grab a hammer and slam the guard
in the stomach. She grabs his gun. They run out of the cell, and
Heller shoots two more guards. They are captured by Omar, who
threatens to kill Audrey if another one of his men dies.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
492 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:07:13.63 ID:9QRo08XO
10:19 A.M.
Kalil discreetly grabs a can of bug spray from the shelves. He tries
to spray Jack, but Jack takes him down. “You try that again, and I
will kill you,” Jack threatens. A police cruiser pulls into the
parking lot, and Jack sends all the customers into the freezer. He
orders the clerk to make the cop go away. The policeman is suspicious,
and Jack takes him in too. He grabs the man’s gun, radio and
handcuffs. Jack locks him in the freezer with the others.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
799 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:13:13.44 ID:9QRo08XO
10:26 A.M.
Dina brings a tray of iced tea to Debbie and Behrooz. Dina apologizes
for treating her poorly in the past, and questions Debbie about
following Behrooz. Debbie says that she hasn’t even spoken to anyone
else today. Dina goes to the kitchen to make a phone call.

24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
830 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:13:54.67 ID:9QRo08XO
10:28 A.M.
Dina calls Navi to let him know that Debbie didn’t tell anyone about
the warehouse. He says to have Behrooz “do it” because he needs to
be responsible for the problem he created.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
956 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:16:25.32 ID:9QRo08XO
10:29 A.M.
The police radio beckons and Jack has the cop answer the call. As the
policeman responds, the store clerk yells for help. The operator
radios that she will send help.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
986 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:17:11.97 ID:9QRo08XO
10:30 A.M.
When Sarah still turns up nothing, Driscoll thinks that Chloe might
be using someone else for access. Sarah questions how much time she
should be spending on this, but Driscoll orders her to find out how
Chloe is helping Jack.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part15
997 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:17:27.81 ID:9QRo08XO
10:31 A.M.
Sarah sees Edgar working on a satellite screen, and he says that he
is merely looking for Jack as instructed. Edgar tells Chloe that
Sarah wants to nail her, and he is worried that he will have to take
the fall too.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
87 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:19:00.05 ID:9QRo08XO
10:32 A.M.
Driscoll gets a call from her 18 year-old daughter Maya. Maya says
she hasn’t taken her medication and begs her mother to come home.
Driscoll convinces Maya to take her pills, and she promises to call
back later.

10:34 A.M.
Dina takes Behrooz aside and says that she and Navi decided he has to
be the one to “take care of this.” Dina hands him a gun.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
292 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:21:38.42 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
382 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:23:40.47 ID:9QRo08XO
10:39 A.M.
Scared for his girlfriend’s life, Behrooz warns Debbie to leave the
house because she is in danger. Debbie collapses, gasping for air.
Behrooz looks to his mother with tears in his eyes. She has drugged
Debbie. “I didn’t expect you to be able to do it,” Dina says
calmly as Debbie dies.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
407 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:24:13.71 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
530 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:25:13.52 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
567 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:25:40.20 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
579 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:25:52.00 ID:9QRo08XO
10:42 A.M.
Police cars arrive at the convenience store. They phone Jack, who
threatens to use tear gas on the hostages. The police ask him to let
everyone go and keep the one officer as hostage instead.

24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
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24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
665 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:27:08.05 ID:9QRo08XO
10:44 A.M.
Chloe calls Jack to say that she finally has satellite coverage. He
tells her that the suspect will be traveling on foot. Jack takes
Kalil out of the freezer saying he will be used to help escape. Jack
walks out of the store with Kalil at gunpoint so that the officers
don’t shoot. He gets in the back as Kalil drives.

24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
693 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:27:49.82 ID:9QRo08XO
satellite coverage = 衛星画像
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
732 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:28:36.59 ID:9QRo08XO
10:46 A.M.
When Kalil questions his motives, Jack says that the convenience
store is a money drop. He has Kalil pull over and start running on
foot. Jack takes the wheel and phones Chloe. She has the suspect on
satellite, and downloads the info to Jack’s PDA.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
818 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:30:16.53 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
910 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:31:37.29 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
948 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:32:11.77 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
967 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:32:54.47 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part16
988 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:33:25.17 ID:9QRo08XO

10:52 A.M.
Driscoll gets a call from her neighbor, who says that Maya went into
his backyard and screamed at his young son. Driscoll asks Sarah to
call LAPD to find out who was dispatched to pick up her daughter.
Maya suffers from schizophrenia. Driscoll wants the police to cancel
the call because she will take care of it, claiming that CTU has
preemptive authority over local. Although Sarah knows this is illegal
she agrees to send an agent to bring Maya back to CTU’s clinic.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
47 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:34:18.43 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
72 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:34:57.79 ID:9QRo08XO
スクリーム = 叫び声
愛スクリーム = 榊原郁恵
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
146 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:35:40.12 ID:9QRo08XO
10:54 A.M.
Curtis finds out that Jack is tracking the suspect with the satellite.
Driscoll tells Chloe that she is being arrested, and she orders
Edgar to take over Chloe’s system. She makes Chloe call Jack, who
has identified the suspect. Driscoll sends a team to pick up Kalil,
which enrages Jack because he’ll lose the trail to Heller.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
216 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:36:44.23 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
285 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:37:27.47 ID:9QRo08XO
10:56 A.M.
Edgar pulls up the satellite feed that shows Kalil flagging down a
car and then beating up the motorist. He takes the man’s wallet and
cell phone. Sarah tracks the cell tower in that area to see who Kalil
contacts. Kalil calls Omar to tell him he’s coming in.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
379 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:38:46.69 ID:9QRo08XO
10:57 A.M.
Marianne lets Edgar know that she is aware of his helping Chloe
behind Driscoll’s back. “I want to make sure I have your attention
whenever I need it,” she says, menacingly.

Sarah plays Kalil’s call back for Driscoll. They hear that the
terrorists are preparing Heller for the broadcast. Jack was right.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
501 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:40:04.77 ID:9QRo08XO
10:58 A.M.
As Jack drives away, he is stopped by a blockade of police cars. With
guns drawn, they order him out of the car. Jack exits with his hands
raised. He lays face down on the ground as the cops approach to
apprehend him.
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
529 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:40:26.06 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
600 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:41:05.65 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
677 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:41:42.95 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
711 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:42:07.00 ID:9QRo08XO
キーワード 無我夢中
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
831 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:43:31.51 ID:9QRo08XO
24-TWENTY FOUR-season4 part17
878 :名無しでいいとも![]:2006/10/04(水) 01:45:03.16 ID:9QRo08XO
Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland
