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894 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2018/10/18(木) 00:47:22.37 ID:8ivEabKs
Donald Trump Announced His Candidacy 30 Years Ago Today
By Dan Schwartz| September 2nd, 2017
ednesday morning, September 2, 1987. It started out with news item on a Philadelphia area
morning drive-time show featuring Atlantic City casino owner Donald Trump spending almost
$100,000 ($207,000 in today’s dollars) of his own money to take out full-page newspaper ads
attacking Japan and Saudi Arabia?and indirectly, President Reagan?for allowing the United States
military to defend the interests of those nations for free. These ads with the banner headline read
“There’s nothing wrong with America’s Foreign Defense Policy that a little backbone can’t cure,”
and it ran in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Boston Globe.

Expecting some interest because of Trump’s nonstop media exposure in the New York and
Philadelphia media markets, the New York Times also ran this brief story on page A12, titled
“Trump Gives A Vague Hint of Candidacy.” From the story:
895 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2018/10/18(木) 00:47:37.67 ID:8ivEabKs
…While some campaign consultants scoffed at the notion of a landlord and casino owner as candidate,
Mr. Trump, whose total holdings are estimated at $3 billion, stoked the speculation with a statement
from a spokesman that said: ”There is absolutely no plan to run for mayor, governor or United States
senator. He will not comment about the Presidency.”

Mr. Trump was not available to comment on whether he means to be taken seriously as someone pondering
running for President, or was just stirring up a little smoke to draw attention to himself or his views. . . .

. . . His trip to New Hampshire is in response to an invitation from Mike Dunbar, a Republican who is running
a ”draft Donald Trump” movement.

Mr. Dunbar, who is well known in New Hampshire Republican circles as both conservative and off-beat,
said he has arranged for Mr. Trump to speak at a Rotary Club luncheon on Oct. 22 in Portsmouth.
”There’s not a Republican running who can win the general election,” Mr. Dunbar said. ”I decided
we better find someone who is capable of being elected.”

There was one other fascinating tidbit in this brief article:

Mr. Trump, who is 41 years old, has no particular background in foreign policy. His real-estate holdings
are largely in New York, Atlantic City and West Palm Beach, Fla.

He did, however, travel to Moscow in July, where he met with the Soviet leader, Mikhail S. Gorbachev.
The ostensible subject of their meeting was the possible development of luxury hotels in the Soviet Union
by Mr. Trump.
