トップページ > 国際情勢 > 2018年09月08日 > AM1vaZJg


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★★★ボコハラム [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
ベンジャミン・フルフォード 61


★★★ボコハラム [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
463 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2018/09/08(土) 06:06:13.26 ID:AM1vaZJg
Hypocrites and camouflaged society and Panama documentation and Cardinal George Pell

Franklin, Truman and the US dollar Traitor Emperor Meiji

We are keeping a monkey (Japanese) in a cage named "freedom of freedom".
The way you just give them some luxury and convenience.
Then release sports, screen, sex (3S).
Because the monkey (Japanese) is our livestock. For that reason, we must make it longevity.
It makes it sick (with chemicals etc.) and keeps it alive.
This will keep us harvesting. This is also the authority of the victorious country.
8 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2018/09/08(土) 06:07:35.31 ID:AM1vaZJg
Hypocrites and camouflaged society and Panama documentation and Cardinal George Pell

Franklin, Truman and the US dollar Traitor Emperor Meiji

We are keeping a monkey (Japanese) in a cage named "freedom of freedom".
The way you just give them some luxury and convenience.
Then release sports, screen, sex (3S).
Because the monkey (Japanese) is our livestock. For that reason, we must make it longevity.
It makes it sick (with chemicals etc.) and keeps it alive.
This will keep us harvesting. This is also the authority of the victorious country.
ベンジャミン・フルフォード 61
404 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2018/09/08(土) 06:36:31.13 ID:AM1vaZJg
Hypocrites and camouflaged society and Panama documentation and Cardinal George Pell

Franklin, Truman and the US dollar Traitor Emperor Meiji

We are keeping a monkey (Japanese) in a cage named "freedom of freedom".
The way you just give them some luxury and convenience.
Then release sports, screen, sex (3S).
Because the monkey (Japanese) is our livestock. For that reason, we must make it longevity.
It makes it sick (with chemicals etc.) and keeps it alive.
This will keep us harvesting. This is also the authority of the victorious country.
ベンジャミン・フルフォード 61
405 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2018/09/08(土) 06:58:13.91 ID:AM1vaZJg
安倍生きろ    それか切腹しろ
