トップページ > 国際情勢 > 2011年07月10日 > 6M23+YYo


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【エジプト・リビア】中東、アフリカの反政府デモ総合 3


【エジプト・リビア】中東、アフリカの反政府デモ総合 3
24 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 01:02:06.23 ID:6M23+YYo

> エジプトでは8日、数万人の市民がカイロ市内を行進、ムバラク政権を放逐した2月以来の大規模な抗議行動となった。

カイロで大規模デモ 元高官らの訴追遅れに不満
> 同広場周辺では6月28日の夜から29日にかけてもデモ隊と警官隊の大規模な衝突があり、千人以上の負傷者が出た。(カイロ=共同)
798 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 01:10:09.48 ID:6M23+YYo
英・ウィリアム王子夫妻、米・ロサンゼルス訪問 キャサリン妃のファッションに注目集まる

英王子夫妻がアメリカ到着 パパラッチ対策も厳重

799 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 01:34:17.35 ID:6M23+YYo
原発全て停止、原子力法改正案成立 ドイツ

> この法案の承認により、ドイツは先進国としては初めて、原子力発電を廃止する国となります。
800 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 01:34:35.40 ID:6M23+YYo
原発推進の仏英 支持は30%

フランス 32%
イギリス 32%
ドイツ 17%
イタリア 20%

イタリア 58%
ドイツ 55%
イギリス 21%
フランス 20%
801 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 01:34:52.45 ID:6M23+YYo
804 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 08:27:02.20 ID:6M23+YYo

天皇(Emperor of Japan)@wiki

2011年のEmperor of Japan@wiki


The Emperor of Japan is, according to the Constitution of Japan, "the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people", with functions as head of state.
The Emperor is called the Tenn? (天皇) in Japanese, literally meaning "heavenly sovereign".[1] He is also referred to in English as the Mikado (帝) of Japan.

The Emperor is the head of the Japanese Imperial Family. He is also the highest authority of the Shinto religion.[2]
Japan's present 1947 constitution does not use the term head of state but refers to the Emperor as "the symbol of the state and the unity of the people".
It establishes the emperor as a ceremonial figurehead under a form of constitutional monarchy.
In his dual role as head of a religion and head of state the Emperor resembles the British monarch, who is "supreme governor" of the Church of England.

The Imperial House of Japan is the oldest continuing hereditary monarchy in the world.[3]
In Nihon Shoki, a book of Japanese history finished in the eighth century, it is said that the Empire of Japan was founded in 660 BC by Emperor Jimmu.
The current emperor is "His Imperial Majesty" the Emperor Akihito, who has been on the Chrysanthemum Throne since his father the Showa Emperor (Hirohito) died in 1989.
805 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 08:27:18.60 ID:6M23+YYo
The role of the Emperor of Japan has historically alternated between a largely ceremonial and symbolic role and that of an actual imperial ruler.
Since the establishment of the first shogunate in 1192, the emperors of Japan have rarely taken on a role as supreme battlefield commander, unlike many Western monarchs.
Japanese emperors have nearly always been controlled by external political forces, to varying degrees.
In fact, from 1192 to 1867, the shoguns, or their shikken regents (1203?1333), were the de facto rulers of Japan though they were nominally appointed by the emperor.

Since the mid-nineteenth century, the Imperial Palace has been called "Ky?j?" (宮城), then K?kyo (皇居), and located on the former site of Edo Castle in the heart of Tokyo.
Earlier emperors resided in Kyoto for nearly eleven centuries.

The Emperor's Birthday (currently celebrated on 23 December) is a national holiday.
806 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 08:27:46.68 ID:6M23+YYo
2008年のEmperor of Japan@wiki


The Emperor (天皇 tenn??, literally "heavenly sovereign,"[1]) of Japan is the country's monarch. He is the head of the Japanese Imperial Family.
Under Japan's present constitution, the Emperor is the "symbol of the state and the unity of the people," and is a ceremonial figurehead in a constitutional monarchy (see Politics of Japan).

The current emperor is His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Akihito, who has been on the Chrysanthemum Throne since his father Emperor Sh?wa (Hirohito) died in 1989.

The role of the emperor of Japan has historically alternated between that of a supreme-rank cleric with largely symbolic powers and that of an actual imperial ruler.
An underlying imperial cult (the idea of Arahitogami) regards the emperor as being descended from gods.
Until 1945, the Japanese monarchs had always been, officially, military commanders. However, contrary to the usual role of a Western monarch, they did not practically function as such.
Japanese emperors have nearly always been controlled by other political forces, to varying degrees.
809 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[]:2011/07/10(日) 10:19:45.80 ID:6M23+YYo

 産 経 新 聞 は 敵 国 で あ る 。
