トップページ > 国際情勢 > 2010年07月25日 > xs+ILL9N


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マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)


マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
514 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 14:37:09 ID:xs+ILL9N
ou used to at Whooton? The one with the terrffic--"
"Good God, no," he said.
"How come? What happened to her?"
"I haven't the faintest idea. For all I know, since you ask, she's proba
bly the Whore of New Hampshire by this time."
"That isn't nice. If she was decent enough to let you get sexy with her
all the time, you at least shouldn't talk about her that way."
"Oh, God!" old Luce said. "Is this going to be a typical Caulfield conve
rsation? I want to know right now."
"No," I said, "but it isn't nice anyway. If she was decent and nice enou
