トップページ > 国際情勢 > 2010年07月25日 > vVnRv5xT


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マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)


マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
273 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 11:28:46 ID:vVnRv5xT
"How do you mean?"
"Well. He's a very sensitive boy. He's really never been a terribly good
mixer with other boys. Perhaps he takes things a little more seriously than he
should at his age."
Sensitive. That killed me. That guy Morrow was about as sensitive as a g
oddam toilet seat.
I gave her a good look. She didn't look like any dope to me. She looked
like she might have a pretty damn good idea what a bastard she was the mother of
. But you can't always tell--with somebody's mother, I mean. Mothers are all sli

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
375 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 12:15:00 ID:vVnRv5xT
ad this very sophisticated, suave, sexy guy in it. Monsieur Blanchard was his na
me, I can still remember. It was a lousy book, but this Blanchard guy was pretty
good. He had this big ch?teau and all on the Riviera, in Europe, and all he did
in his spare time was beat women off with a club. He was a real rake and all, b
ut he knocked women out. He said, in this one part, that a woman's body is like
a violin and all, and that it takes a terrific musician to play it right. It was
a very corny book--I realize that--but I couldn't get that violin stuff out of
my mind anyway. In a way, that's why I sort of wanted to get some practice in, i
n case I ever get married. Caulfield and his Magic Violin, boy. It's corny, I re
alize, but it isn't too corny. I wouldn't mind being pretty good at that stuff.
