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マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)


マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
235 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 10:41:04 ID:upG+favo
radlater was dating, even though he hated Stradlater's guts.
"I don't know. Why?"
"No reason. Boy, I can't stand that sonuvabitch. He's one sonuvabitch I
really can't stand."
"He's crazy about you. He told me he thinks you're a goddam prince," I s
aid. I call people a "prince" quite often when I'm horsing around. It keeps me f
rom getting bored or something.
"He's got this superior attitude all the time," Ackley said. "I just can
't stand the sonuvabitch. You'd think he--"
"Do you mind cutting your nails over the table, hey?" I said. "I've aske

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
238 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 10:41:50 ID:upG+favo
said. "Look. Suppose, for instance, Stradlater was wearing a tie or something t
hat you liked. Say he had a tie on that you liked a helluva lot--I'm just giving
you an example, now. You know what he'd do? He'd probably take it off and give
it ta you. He really would. Or--you know what he'd do? He'd leave it on your bed
or something. But he'd give you the goddam tie. Most guys would probably just--
"Hell," Ackley said. "If I had his dough, I would, too."
"No, you wouldn't." I shook my head. "No, you wouldn't, Ackley kid. If y
ou had his dough, you'd be one of the biggest--"
"Stop calling me 'Ackley kid,' God damn it. I'm old enough to be your lo

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
340 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 12:00:04 ID:upG+favo
tuted himself. He used to take me with him once in a while. Ernie's a big fat co
lored guy that plays the piano. He's a terrific snob and he won't hardly even ta
lk to you unless you're a big shot or a celebrity or something, but he can reall
y play the piano. He's so good he's almost corny, in fact. I don't exactly know
what I mean by that, but I mean it. I certainly like to hear him play, but somet
imes you feel like turning his goddam piano over. I think it's because sometimes
when he plays, he sounds like the kind of guy that won't talk to you unless you
're a big shot.

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
370 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 12:11:33 ID:upG+favo
it was too late now.
"Okay. I'll send a girl up in about fifteen minutes." He opened the door
s and I got out.
"Hey, is she good-looking?" I asked him. "I don't want any old bag."
"No old bag. Don't worry about it, chief."
"Who do I pay?"
"Her," he said. "Let's go, chief." He shut the doors, practically right
in my face.
I went to my room and put some water on my hair, but you can't really co
mb a crew cut or anything. Then I tested to see if my breath stank from so many

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
395 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 12:33:12 ID:upG+favo
s never sent old Judas to Hell. I still would, too, if I had a thousand bucks. I
think any one of the Disciples would've sent him to Hell and all--and fast, too
--but I'll bet anything Jesus didn't do it. Old Childs said the trouble with me
was that I didn't go to church or anything. He was right about that, in a way. I
don't. In the first place, my parents are different religions, and all the chil
dren in our family are atheists. If you want to know the truth, I can't even sta
nd ministers. The ones they've had at every school I've gone to, they all have t
hese Holy Joe voices when they start giving their sermons. God, I hate that. I d
on't see why the hell they can't talk in their natural voice. They sound so phon
y when they talk.

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
451 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 13:53:46 ID:upG+favo
not like a goddam cop or anything. Then you'd pass by this big glass case, with
Indians inside it rubbing sticks together to make a fire, and a squaw weaving a
blanket. The squaw that was weaving the blanket was sort of bending over, and y
ou could see her bosom and all. We all used to sneak a good look at it, even the
girls, because they were only little kids and they didn't have any more bosom t
han we did. Then, just before you went inside the auditorium, right near the doo
rs, you passed this Eskimo. He was sitting over a hole in this icy lake, and he
was fishing through it. He had about two fish right next to the hole, that he'd
already caught. Boy, that museum was full of glass cases. There were even more u
pstairs, with deer inside them drinking at water holes, and birds flying south f

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
457 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 13:58:52 ID:upG+favo
mean. In a way, it was sort of depressing, too, because you kept wondering what
the hell would happen to all of them. When they got out of school and college,
I mean. You figured most of them would probably marry dopey guys. Guys that alwa
ys talk about how many miles they get to a gallon in their goddam cars. Guys tha
t get sore and childish as hell if you beat them at golf, or even just some stup
id game like ping-pong. Guys that are very mean. Guys that never read books. Guy
s that are very boring--But I have to be careful about that. I mean about callin
g certain guys bores. I don't understand boring guys. I really don't. When I was
at Elkton Hills, I roomed for about two months with this boy, Harris Mackim. He
was very intelligent and all, but he was one of the biggest bores I ever met. H

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
485 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 14:20:16 ID:upG+favo
each other's guts by that time. You could see there wasn't any sense trying to h
ave an intelligent conversation. I was sorry as hell I'd started it.
"C'mon, let's get outa here," I said. "You give me a royal pain in the a
ss, if you want to know the truth."
Boy, did she hit the ceiling when I said that. I know I shouldn't've sai
d it, and I probably wouldn't've ordinarily, but she was depressing the hell out
of me. Usually I never say crude things like that to girls. Boy, did she hit th
e ceiling. I apologized like a madman, but she wouldn't accept my apology. She w
as even crying. Which scared me a little bit, because I was a little afraid she'
d go home and tell her father I called her a pain in the ass. Her father was one

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
491 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 14:23:32 ID:upG+favo
very ashamed of his parents and all, because they said "he don't" and "she don'
t" and stuff like that and they weren't very wealthy. But he wasn't a bastard or
anything. He was a very nice guy. But this Roberta Walsh's roommate didn't like
him at all. She told Roberta he was too conceited--and the reason she thought h
e was conceited was because he happened to mention to her that he was captain of
the debating team. A little thing like that, and she thought he was conceited!
The trouble with girls is, if they like a boy, no matter how big a bastard he is
, they'll say he has an inferiority complex, and if they don't like him, no matt
er how nice a guy he is, or how big an inferiority complex he has, they'll say h
e's conceited. Even smart girls do it.

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
509 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 14:33:53 ID:upG+favo
t about sex, especially perverts and all. He was always telling us about a lot o
f creepy guys that go around having affairs with sheep, and guys that go around
with girls' pants sewed in the lining of their hats and all. And flits and Lesbi
ans. Old Luce knew who every flit and Lesbian in the United States was. All you
had to do was mention somebody--anybody--and old Luce'd tell you if he was a fli
t or not. Sometimes it was hard to believe, the people he said were flits and Le
sbians and all, movie actors and like that. Some of the ones he said were flits
were even married, for God's sake. You'd keep saying to him, "You mean Joe Blow'
s a flit? Joe Blow? That big, tough guy that plays gangsters and cowboys all the
time?" Old Luce'd say, "Certainly." He was always saying "Certainly." He said i

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
536 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 15:47:19 ID:upG+favo
"Go home, Mac, like a good guy. Go home and hit the sack."
"No home to go to. No kidding--you need a manager?"
He didn't answer me. He just went out. He was all through combing his ha
ir and patting it and all, so he left. Like Stradlater. All these handsome guys
are the same. When they're done combing their goddam hair, they beat it on you.
When I finally got down off the radiator and went out to the hat-check r
oom, I was crying and all. I don't know why, but I was. I guess it was because I
was feeling so damn depressed and lonesome. Then, when I went out to the checkr
oom, I couldn't find my goddam check. The hat-check girl was very nice about it,
though. She gave me my coat anyway. And my "Little Shirley Beans" record--I sti

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
595 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 16:26:32 ID:upG+favo
i felt his pulse and all, and then he took off his coat and put it over James Ca
stle and carried him all the way over to the infirmary. He didn't even give a da
mn if his coat got all bloody.
When I got back to D.B.'s room, old Phoebe'd turned the radio on. This d
ance music was coming out. She'd turned it on low, though, so the maid wouldn't
hear it. You should've seen her. She was sitting smack in the middle of the bed,
outside the covers, with her legs folded like one of those Yogi guys. She was l
istening to the music. She kills me.
"C'mon," I said. "You feel like dancing?" I taught her how to dance and
all when she was a tiny little kid. She's a very good dancer. I mean I just taug
