トップページ > 国際情勢 > 2010年07月25日 > bQBKYwaI


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マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)


マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
396 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 12:35:20 ID:bQBKYwaI
Anyway, when I was in bed, I couldn't pray worth a damn. Every time I go
t started, I kept picturing old Sunny calling me a crumb-bum. Finally, I sat up
in bed and smoked another cigarette. It tasted lousy. I must've smoked around tw
o packs since I left Pencey.
All of a sudden, while I was laying there smoking, somebody knocked on t
he door. I kept hoping it wasn't my door they were knocking on, but I knew damn
well it was. I don't know how I knew, but I knew. I knew who it was, too. I'm ps
"Who's there?" I said. I was pretty scared. I'm very yellow about those

マイケル・グリーン(Michael Green)
401 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2010/07/25(日) 12:38:46 ID:bQBKYwaI
all he could say. "Let's have it, chief." He was a real moron.
"Chief, you're gonna force me inna roughin' ya up a little bit. I don't
wanna do it, but that's the way it looks," he said. "You owe us five bucks."
"I don't owe you five bucks," I said. "If you rough me up, I'll yell lik
e hell. I'll wake up everybody in the hotel. The police and all." My voice was s
haking like a bastard.
"Go ahead. Yell your goddam head off. Fine," old Maurice said. "Want you
r parents to know you spent the night with a whore? High-class kid like you?" He
was pretty sharp, in his crumby way. He really was.
