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名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
ディープインパクト 〜The 407th impact 〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
926 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:06:17.17 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Big-Colt-Index, BCI◆
・A win by a JRA male G1 winner or gelding in a G1 race, scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
Here, female horses are not counted at all.
・The average of the sum of all G1 winner males’ points by each sire is defined as BCI.

◆BCI ranking 〜 All Japanese sires having both more than 5 male G1 titles and 3 male G1 winners, are listed.
・1.Stay Gold.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.60 n.s.
・2.Partholon.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.33 n.s.
・3.King Kamehameha..・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.25 n.s. 
・4.Northern Taste.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.00 control
・5.Sunday Silence.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.86 n.s.
・6.Brian's Time...............・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.80 n.s.
・All sires w/o DI*..........・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67   
・7.Gold Allure..................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Heart's Cry.................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Magnitude....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Neo Universe.............・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
11.Sea Hawk...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
13.Tesco Boy.................・・・・・・・・・ 1.43 n.s.
14.Dance in the Dark.・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.French Deputy........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.Maruzensky...............・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.      
14.Shinbori Kris S........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
18.Tony Bin.....................・・・・ 1.20 p=0.0404 
19.Deep Impact.............・・ 1.11 p=0.0068   
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
927 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:06:47.24 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
928 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:07:39.68 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Filly Sire Index, FSI◆ in Japanese Horse Racing. 
・A win by a Japanese male horse or gelding in a Group 1 horse race scores minus 1 point,
 and one by a Japanese female horse scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
・Then the average of the sum of all Group 1 horse race winners' points by each sire is defined as FSI. 
・All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are included.
・Mann-Whitney's U tests are performed for statistical significance between control (SS) and each sire.
 (a p-value considered statistically significant is less than 0.05) 

◆FSI ranking of each sire 〜 All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are listed as below.
・1.Deep Impact................+0.50, p=0.0304           
・2.Kurofune.......................+0.40, n.s. 
・3.Agnes Tachyon..........+0.33, n.s.
・4.Jungle Pocket.............+0.17, n.s.
・5.Tony Bin........................+0.11, n.s.  
・6.Tosho Boy.........................0.00, n.s.  
・7.Caerleon........................−0.20, n.s.  12.White Muzzle............−0.60, n.s.
・8.Northern Taste...........−0.29, n.s.  ・All sires w/o DI*.........−0.61 (p=0.0130 vs DI)
・9.Partholon.......................−0.44, n.s.  14.Sunday Silence.......−0.79, control
10.French Deputy...........−0.50, n.s.  15.Brian's Time..............−0.86, n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki.....................−0.56, n.s.  16.King Kamehameha..−1.20, n.s.
12.Tesco Boy....................−0.60, n.s.  17.Stay Gold...................−2.83, n.s.  
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
929 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:07:59.80 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
930 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:08:36.53 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
931 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:09:04.41 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
932 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:10:14.84 ID:1H7Jq6SbM


ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
933 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:11:07.41 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
934 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:12:35.07 ID:1H7Jq6SbM


ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
935 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:13:21.52 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
936 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:16:14.00 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
牡馬王道 @MedicalScience @boba_oudou Apr 28
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
937 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:16:33.33 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.

Again, I emphasize, whether DI had 'eaten' or inhaled IB must be investigated scientifically.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
938 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:17:12.78 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
940 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:17:33.08 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
942 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:18:02.54 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
943 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:19:12.93 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
944 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:19:39.74 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
945 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:19:57.93 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
946 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:20:26.26 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Big-Colt-Index, BCI◆
・A win by a JRA male G1 winner or gelding in a G1 race, scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
Here, female horses are not counted at all.
・The average of the sum of all G1 winner males’ points by each sire is defined as BCI.

◆BCI ranking 〜 All Japanese sires having both more than 5 male G1 titles and 3 male G1 winners, are listed.
・1.Stay Gold.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.60 n.s.
・2.Partholon.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.33 n.s.
・3.King Kamehameha..・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.25 n.s. 
・4.Northern Taste.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.00 control
・5.Sunday Silence.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.86 n.s.
・6.Brian's Time...............・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.80 n.s.
・All sires w/o DI*..........・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67   
・7.Gold Allure..................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Heart's Cry.................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Magnitude....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Neo Universe.............・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
11.Sea Hawk...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
13.Tesco Boy.................・・・・・・・・・ 1.43 n.s.
14.Dance in the Dark.・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.French Deputy........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.Maruzensky...............・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.      
14.Shinbori Kris S........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
18.Tony Bin.....................・・・・ 1.20 p=0.0404 
19.Deep Impact.............・・ 1.11 p=0.0068   
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
947 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:20:59.17 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Filly Sire Index, FSI◆ in Japanese Horse Racing. 
・A win by a Japanese male horse or gelding in a Group 1 horse race scores minus 1 point,
 and one by a Japanese female horse scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
・Then the average of the sum of all Group 1 horse race winners' points by each sire is defined as FSI. 
・All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are included.
・Mann-Whitney's U tests are performed for statistical significance between control (SS) and each sire.
 (a p-value considered statistically significant is less than 0.05) 

◆FSI ranking of each sire 〜 All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are listed as below.
・1.Deep Impact................+0.50, p=0.0304           
・2.Kurofune.......................+0.40, n.s. 
・3.Agnes Tachyon..........+0.33, n.s.
・4.Jungle Pocket.............+0.17, n.s.
・5.Tony Bin........................+0.11, n.s.  
・6.Tosho Boy.........................0.00, n.s.  
・7.Caerleon........................−0.20, n.s.  12.White Muzzle............−0.60, n.s.
・8.Northern Taste...........−0.29, n.s.  ・All sires w/o DI*.........−0.61 (p=0.0130 vs DI)
・9.Partholon.......................−0.44, n.s.  14.Sunday Silence.......−0.79, control
10.French Deputy...........−0.50, n.s.  15.Brian's Time..............−0.86, n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki.....................−0.56, n.s.  16.King Kamehameha..−1.20, n.s.
12.Tesco Boy....................−0.60, n.s.  17.Stay Gold...................−2.83, n.s.  
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
948 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:21:21.80 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
950 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:21:38.29 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
951 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:21:59.33 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Big-Colt-Index, BCI◆
・A win by a JRA male G1 winner or gelding in a G1 race, scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
Here, female horses are not counted at all.
・The average of the sum of all G1 winner males’ points by each sire is defined as BCI.

◆BCI ranking 〜 All Japanese sires having both more than 5 male G1 titles and 3 male G1 winners, are listed.
・1.Stay Gold.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.60 n.s.
・2.Partholon.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.33 n.s.
・3.King Kamehameha..・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.25 n.s. 
・4.Northern Taste.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.00 control
・5.Sunday Silence.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.86 n.s.
・6.Brian's Time...............・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.80 n.s.
・All sires w/o DI*..........・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67   
・7.Gold Allure..................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Heart's Cry.................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Magnitude....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Neo Universe.............・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
11.Sea Hawk...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
13.Tesco Boy.................・・・・・・・・・ 1.43 n.s.
14.Dance in the Dark.・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.French Deputy........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.Maruzensky...............・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.      
14.Shinbori Kris S........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
18.Tony Bin.....................・・・・ 1.20 p=0.0404 
19.Deep Impact.............・・ 1.11 p=0.0068   
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
952 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:22:15.83 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Filly Sire Index, FSI◆ in Japanese Horse Racing. 
・A win by a Japanese male horse or gelding in a Group 1 horse race scores minus 1 point,
 and one by a Japanese female horse scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
・Then the average of the sum of all Group 1 horse race winners' points by each sire is defined as FSI. 
・All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are included.
・Mann-Whitney's U tests are performed for statistical significance between control (SS) and each sire.
 (a p-value considered statistically significant is less than 0.05) 

◆FSI ranking of each sire 〜 All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are listed as below.
・1.Deep Impact................+0.50, p=0.0304           
・2.Kurofune.......................+0.40, n.s. 
・3.Agnes Tachyon..........+0.33, n.s.
・4.Jungle Pocket.............+0.17, n.s.
・5.Tony Bin........................+0.11, n.s.  
・6.Tosho Boy.........................0.00, n.s.  
・7.Caerleon........................−0.20, n.s.  12.White Muzzle............−0.60, n.s.
・8.Northern Taste...........−0.29, n.s.  ・All sires w/o DI*.........−0.61 (p=0.0130 vs DI)
・9.Partholon.......................−0.44, n.s.  14.Sunday Silence.......−0.79, control
10.French Deputy...........−0.50, n.s.  15.Brian's Time..............−0.86, n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki.....................−0.56, n.s.  16.King Kamehameha..−1.20, n.s.
12.Tesco Boy....................−0.60, n.s.  17.Stay Gold...................−2.83, n.s.  
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
954 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:22:42.22 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
955 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:23:19.84 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
956 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:23:41.80 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
957 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:24:00.74 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Big-Colt-Index, BCI◆
・A win by a JRA male G1 winner or gelding in a G1 race, scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
Here, female horses are not counted at all.
・The average of the sum of all G1 winner males’ points by each sire is defined as BCI.

◆BCI ranking 〜 All Japanese sires having both more than 5 male G1 titles and 3 male G1 winners, are listed.
・1.Stay Gold.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.60 n.s.
・2.Partholon.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.33 n.s.
・3.King Kamehameha..・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.25 n.s. 
・4.Northern Taste.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.00 control
・5.Sunday Silence.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.86 n.s.
・6.Brian's Time...............・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.80 n.s.
・All sires w/o DI*..........・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67   
・7.Gold Allure..................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Heart's Cry.................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Magnitude....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Neo Universe.............・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
11.Sea Hawk...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
13.Tesco Boy.................・・・・・・・・・ 1.43 n.s.
14.Dance in the Dark.・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.French Deputy........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.Maruzensky...............・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.      
14.Shinbori Kris S........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
18.Tony Bin.....................・・・・ 1.20 p=0.0404 
19.Deep Impact.............・・ 1.11 p=0.0068   
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
958 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:24:16.28 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Filly Sire Index, FSI◆ in Japanese Horse Racing. 
・A win by a Japanese male horse or gelding in a Group 1 horse race scores minus 1 point,
 and one by a Japanese female horse scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
・Then the average of the sum of all Group 1 horse race winners' points by each sire is defined as FSI. 
・All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are included.
・Mann-Whitney's U tests are performed for statistical significance between control (SS) and each sire.
 (a p-value considered statistically significant is less than 0.05) 

◆FSI ranking of each sire 〜 All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are listed as below.
・1.Deep Impact................+0.50, p=0.0304           
・2.Kurofune.......................+0.40, n.s. 
・3.Agnes Tachyon..........+0.33, n.s.
・4.Jungle Pocket.............+0.17, n.s.
・5.Tony Bin........................+0.11, n.s.  
・6.Tosho Boy.........................0.00, n.s.  
・7.Caerleon........................−0.20, n.s.  12.White Muzzle............−0.60, n.s.
・8.Northern Taste...........−0.29, n.s.  ・All sires w/o DI*.........−0.61 (p=0.0130 vs DI)
・9.Partholon.......................−0.44, n.s.  14.Sunday Silence.......−0.79, control
10.French Deputy...........−0.50, n.s.  15.Brian's Time..............−0.86, n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki.....................−0.56, n.s.  16.King Kamehameha..−1.20, n.s.
12.Tesco Boy....................−0.60, n.s.  17.Stay Gold...................−2.83, n.s.  
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
959 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:24:32.70 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
960 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:24:48.83 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
962 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:25:07.87 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Big-Colt-Index, BCI◆
・A win by a JRA male G1 winner or gelding in a G1 race, scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
Here, female horses are not counted at all.
・The average of the sum of all G1 winner males’ points by each sire is defined as BCI.

◆BCI ranking 〜 All Japanese sires having both more than 5 male G1 titles and 3 male G1 winners, are listed.
・1.Stay Gold.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.60 n.s.
・2.Partholon.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.33 n.s.
・3.King Kamehameha..・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.25 n.s. 
・4.Northern Taste.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.00 control
・5.Sunday Silence.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.86 n.s.
・6.Brian's Time...............・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.80 n.s.
・All sires w/o DI*..........・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67   
・7.Gold Allure..................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Heart's Cry.................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Magnitude....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Neo Universe.............・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
11.Sea Hawk...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
13.Tesco Boy.................・・・・・・・・・ 1.43 n.s.
14.Dance in the Dark.・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.French Deputy........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.Maruzensky...............・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.      
14.Shinbori Kris S........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
18.Tony Bin.....................・・・・ 1.20 p=0.0404 
19.Deep Impact.............・・ 1.11 p=0.0068   
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
963 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:25:22.47 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Filly Sire Index, FSI◆ in Japanese Horse Racing. 
・A win by a Japanese male horse or gelding in a Group 1 horse race scores minus 1 point,
 and one by a Japanese female horse scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
・Then the average of the sum of all Group 1 horse race winners' points by each sire is defined as FSI. 
・All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are included.
・Mann-Whitney's U tests are performed for statistical significance between control (SS) and each sire.
 (a p-value considered statistically significant is less than 0.05) 

◆FSI ranking of each sire 〜 All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are listed as below.
・1.Deep Impact................+0.50, p=0.0304           
・2.Kurofune.......................+0.40, n.s. 
・3.Agnes Tachyon..........+0.33, n.s.
・4.Jungle Pocket.............+0.17, n.s.
・5.Tony Bin........................+0.11, n.s.  
・6.Tosho Boy.........................0.00, n.s.  
・7.Caerleon........................−0.20, n.s.  12.White Muzzle............−0.60, n.s.
・8.Northern Taste...........−0.29, n.s.  ・All sires w/o DI*.........−0.61 (p=0.0130 vs DI)
・9.Partholon.......................−0.44, n.s.  14.Sunday Silence.......−0.79, control
10.French Deputy...........−0.50, n.s.  15.Brian's Time..............−0.86, n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki.....................−0.56, n.s.  16.King Kamehameha..−1.20, n.s.
12.Tesco Boy....................−0.60, n.s.  17.Stay Gold...................−2.83, n.s. 
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
964 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:25:40.20 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
965 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:25:56.23 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
966 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:26:13.43 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
968 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:26:30.55 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Big-Colt-Index, BCI◆
・A win by a JRA male G1 winner or gelding in a G1 race, scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
Here, female horses are not counted at all.
・The average of the sum of all G1 winner males’ points by each sire is defined as BCI.

◆BCI ranking 〜 All Japanese sires having both more than 5 male G1 titles and 3 male G1 winners, are listed.
・1.Stay Gold.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.60 n.s.
・2.Partholon.....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3.33 n.s.
・3.King Kamehameha..・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.25 n.s. 
・4.Northern Taste.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2.00 control
・5.Sunday Silence.........・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.86 n.s.
・6.Brian's Time...............・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.80 n.s.
・All sires w/o DI*..........・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67   
・7.Gold Allure..................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Heart's Cry.................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Magnitude....................・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
・7.Neo Universe.............・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.67 n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
11.Sea Hawk...................・・・・・・・・・・ 1.50 n.s.
13.Tesco Boy.................・・・・・・・・・ 1.43 n.s.
14.Dance in the Dark.・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.French Deputy........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
14.Maruzensky...............・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.      
14.Shinbori Kris S........・・・・・ 1.25 n.s.
18.Tony Bin.....................・・・・ 1.20 p=0.0404 
19.Deep Impact.............・・ 1.11 p=0.0068   
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
969 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:26:53.16 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Filly Sire Index, FSI◆ in Japanese Horse Racing. 
・A win by a Japanese male horse or gelding in a Group 1 horse race scores minus 1 point,
 and one by a Japanese female horse scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
・Then the average of the sum of all Group 1 horse race winners' points by each sire is defined as FSI. 
・All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are included.
・Mann-Whitney's U tests are performed for statistical significance between control (SS) and each sire.
 (a p-value considered statistically significant is less than 0.05) 

◆FSI ranking of each sire 〜 All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are listed as below.
・1.Deep Impact................+0.50, p=0.0304           
・2.Kurofune.......................+0.40, n.s. 
・3.Agnes Tachyon..........+0.33, n.s.
・4.Jungle Pocket.............+0.17, n.s.
・5.Tony Bin........................+0.11, n.s.  
・6.Tosho Boy.........................0.00, n.s.  
・7.Caerleon........................−0.20, n.s.  12.White Muzzle............−0.60, n.s.
・8.Northern Taste...........−0.29, n.s.  ・All sires w/o DI*.........−0.61 (p=0.0130 vs DI)
・9.Partholon.......................−0.44, n.s.  14.Sunday Silence.......−0.79, control
10.French Deputy...........−0.50, n.s.  15.Brian's Time..............−0.86, n.s.
11.Fuji Kiseki.....................−0.56, n.s.  16.King Kamehameha..−1.20, n.s.
12.Tesco Boy....................−0.60, n.s.  17.Stay Gold...................−2.83, n.s. 
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
970 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:27:09.07 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
972 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:27:25.58 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
973 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:27:54.38 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Odds Ratio shows the probabilities of colt or filly sires
in Japan G1 horseraces.

The probabilities that
'if one sire's child wins a G1 horserace, he is a male'
are investigated by calculating Odds Ratio (OR).
95% confidence interval (CI) reflects a significance level of 0.05.
- The ORs of Sunday Silence', Brian's Time' and King Kamehameha's child are 1.36, 1.47 and 1.47, respectively, every over 1.00,
but not statistically significant because 1.00 is within 95% CI.
- The OR of Stay Gold's child and its 95% CI are 8.89, 1.18 - 67.07, both over 1.00,
which show Stay Gold is a colt sire statistically.
- The OR of Deep Impact's child and its 95% CI are 0.24, 0.11 - 0.52, both below 1.00,
which show Deep Impact is a filly sire statistically.

・ステイゴールド産駒のOR、95%CIは、8.89、1.18 - 67.07 (>1)、であり、
・ディープインパクト産駒のOR、95%CIは、0.24、0.11 - 0.52 (<1)、であり、

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
974 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:28:36.96 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Colts Fluke Index (CFI)◆

A "strong horse" cannot be defined easily, but one requirement would be whether he can win G1 race even when he is marked by all the other horses, - like the NaritaBrian and the Orfevre.
A horse is marked by the others, e.g. when he is the 1st favorite in the race.
Here I show my new index to find which sire's son is a fluke or not.

-Averages of Win Odds payments (yen,\) of all G1 races by each sire's sons were calculated, and defined as Colts Fluke Index (CFI).
-Here, CFIs were calculated as for 4 representative sires in Japan, i.e. Sunday Silence, King Kamehameha, Stay Gold and Deep Impact.
-Then u-tests were performed for statistical significance between DI and the others.
-And some more analyses were added as for the data shown in Excel and their hierarchial clustering.

CFI (+- SE) of each sire is as below.
SS, 716.019 +- 139.625.
KK, 451.944 +- 78.488.
SG, 649.444 +- 197.483.
DI, 1416.667 +- 352.341.
SS without DI (as a race horse) due to failing a doping test, 805.246 +- 156.417.
p-values between DI and other sires are 0.0084, 0.0071, 0.0198, 0.0282, respectively as shown in figure, which prove strong significances.
The data in Excel are clustered by Ward's Methods by use of R software.

CFIs have clearly shown that SS, KK and SG have borne much stronger colts than DI.
These results have been also confirmed by hierarchial clustering.
Notice, if SS had not had DI (as a race horse) due to failing a doping test, its CFI would have hardly influenced.
This fact also suggests that if DI (as a stallion) could have a strong colts in the future, my indexes would be hardly influenced either.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
975 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:28:52.84 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
978 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:29:21.57 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Colts Fluke Index (CFI)◆

A "strong horse" cannot be defined easily, but one requirement would be whether he can win G1 race even when he is marked by all the other horses, - like the NaritaBrian and the Orfevre.
A horse is marked by the others, e.g. when he is the 1st favorite in the race.
Here I show my new index to find which sire's son is a fluke or not.

-Averages of Win Odds payments (yen,\) of all G1 races by each sire's sons were calculated, and defined as Colts Fluke Index (CFI).
-Here, CFIs were calculated as for 4 representative sires in Japan, i.e. Sunday Silence, King Kamehameha, Stay Gold and Deep Impact.
-Then u-tests were performed for statistical significance between DI and the others.
-And some more analyses were added as for the data shown in Excel and their hierarchial clustering.

CFI (+- SE) of each sire is as below.
SS, 716.019 +- 139.625.
KK, 451.944 +- 78.488.
SG, 649.444 +- 197.483.
DI, 1416.667 +- 352.341.
SS without DI (as a race horse) due to failing a doping test, 805.246 +- 156.417.
p-values between DI and other sires are 0.0084, 0.0071, 0.0198, 0.0282, respectively as shown in figure, which prove strong significances.
The data in Excel are clustered by Ward's Methods by use of R software.

CFIs have clearly shown that SS, KK and SG have borne much stronger colts than DI.
These results have been also confirmed by hierarchial clustering.
Notice, if SS had not had DI (as a race horse) due to failing a doping test, its CFI would have hardly influenced.
This fact also suggests that if DI (as a stallion) could have a strong colts in the future, my indexes would be hardly influenced either.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
979 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:29:40.58 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
980 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:29:59.29 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Colts Fluke Index (CFI)◆

A "strong horse" cannot be defined easily, but one requirement would be whether he can win G1 race even when he is marked by all the other horses, - like the NaritaBrian and the Orfevre.
A horse is marked by the others, e.g. when he is the 1st favorite in the race.
Here I show my new index to find which sire's son is a fluke or not.

-Averages of Win Odds payments (yen,\) of all G1 races by each sire's sons were calculated, and defined as Colts Fluke Index (CFI).
-Here, CFIs were calculated as for 4 representative sires in Japan, i.e. Sunday Silence, King Kamehameha, Stay Gold and Deep Impact.
-Then u-tests were performed for statistical significance between DI and the others.
-And some more analyses were added as for the data shown in Excel and their hierarchial clustering.

CFI (+- SE) of each sire is as below.
SS, 716.019 +- 139.625.
KK, 451.944 +- 78.488.
SG, 649.444 +- 197.483.
DI, 1416.667 +- 352.341.
SS without DI (as a race horse) due to failing a doping test, 805.246 +- 156.417.
p-values between DI and other sires are 0.0084, 0.0071, 0.0198, 0.0282, respectively as shown in figure, which prove strong significances.
The data in Excel are clustered by Ward's Methods by use of R software.

CFIs have clearly shown that SS, KK and SG have borne much stronger colts than DI.
These results have been also confirmed by hierarchial clustering.
Notice, if SS had not had DI (as a race horse) due to failing a doping test, its CFI would have hardly influenced.
This fact also suggests that if DI (as a stallion) could have a strong colts in the future, my indexes would be hardly influenced either.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
981 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:30:25.67 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Odds Ratio shows the probabilities of colt or filly sires
in Japan G1 horseraces.

The probabilities that
'if one sire's child wins a G1 horserace, he is a male'
are investigated by calculating Odds Ratio (OR).
95% confidence interval (CI) reflects a significance level of 0.05.
- The ORs of Sunday Silence', Brian's Time' and King Kamehameha's child are 1.36, 1.47 and 1.47, respectively, every over 1.00,
but not statistically significant because 1.00 is within 95% CI.
- The OR of Stay Gold's child and its 95% CI are 8.89, 1.18 - 67.07, both over 1.00,
which show Stay Gold is a colt sire statistically.
- The OR of Deep Impact's child and its 95% CI are 0.24, 0.11 - 0.52, both below 1.00,
which show Deep Impact is a filly sire statistically.

・ステイゴールド産駒のOR、95%CIは、8.89、1.18 - 67.07 (>1)、であり、
・ディープインパクト産駒のOR、95%CIは、0.24、0.11 - 0.52 (<1)、であり、

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
984 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:30:44.98 ID:1H7Jq6SbM

Trainer of Deep Impact (DI) said that
DI had 'eaten' ipratropium bromide (IB) with straws to sleep on before running PrixdelArc.
But Is It True?

It should be investigated scientifically,
but the truth remains to be clarified for unknown reasons.
Here I show some questions of my own opinions
from IB Interview Form of TeijinFarma, co,ltd.(TF).

@ Is IB stable for several days within straws to sleep on
in such conditions as in the atmosphere and under the light exposure??
TF shows data that IB is stable under the light exposure, but without the atmosphere.
A Is sufficient IB absorbed through gut instead of bronchus??
TE shows data that IB is taken to blood by inhalation (ref.13-15).
If IB is taken through gut,
its blood concentration may be little to be detected from urine, mayn't it?
How many straws did DI eat just before the race?
B What kinds of metabolites were detected in the doping test??
TE shows data in rabbits that in case that IB is taken through gut,
its metabolites of Sch1000, Sch1315 and Sch1100 in urine,
show clearly different proportions from the case via intravenus.
The results of metabolites' proportions should be open.
ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
985 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:31:11.08 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
After #DQF in #PrixDeLArc 06, #DeepImpact's trainer said,
DI'd not inhaled recently but Eaten #Ipratropium Bromide w.straws to sleep on.

He said "It was an incident".
But is it Almost sure scientifically He'd lied?
Anything hidden?
#DeepImpact #Doping #horseracing

Tell the truth!
Most Important, Some r taking advantage of #DeepImpact ongoingly, Money.
Please Read More

ディープインパクト 〜The 406th impact〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
988 :名無しさん@実況で競馬板アウト (ワイモマー MMdb-laWm)[]:2016/04/30(土) 14:31:48.83 ID:1H7Jq6SbM
◆Colts Fluke Index (CFI)◆

A "strong horse" cannot be defined easily, but one requirement would be whether he can win G1 race even when he is marked by all the other horses, - like the NaritaBrian and the Orfevre.
A horse is marked by the others, e.g. when he is the 1st favorite in the race.
Here I show my new index to find which sire's son is a fluke or not.

-Averages of Win Odds payments (yen,\) of all G1 races by each sire's sons were calculated, and defined as Colts Fluke Index (CFI).
-Here, CFIs were calculated as for 4 representative sires in Japan, i.e. Sunday Silence, King Kamehameha, Stay Gold and Deep Impact.
-Then u-tests were performed for statistical significance between DI and the others.
-And some more analyses were added as for the data shown in Excel and their hierarchial clustering.

CFI (+- SE) of each sire is as below.
SS, 716.019 +- 139.625.
KK, 451.944 +- 78.488.
SG, 649.444 +- 197.483.
DI, 1416.667 +- 352.341.
SS without DI (as a race horse) due to failing a doping test, 805.246 +- 156.417.
p-values between DI and other sires are 0.0084, 0.0071, 0.0198, 0.0282, respectively as shown in figure, which prove strong significances.
The data in Excel are clustered by Ward's Methods by use of R software.

CFIs have clearly shown that SS, KK and SG have borne much stronger colts than DI.
These results have been also confirmed by hierarchial clustering.
Notice, if SS had not had DI (as a race horse) due to failing a doping test, its CFI would have hardly influenced.
This fact also suggests that if DI (as a stallion) could have a strong colts in the future, my indexes would be hardly influenced either.
