トップページ > iOS > 2016年04月06日 > 5VENZ/PK


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音楽制作アプリ Part10 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


音楽制作アプリ Part10 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
405 :iOS[]:2016/04/06(水) 04:12:03.76 ID:5VENZ/PK

音楽制作アプリ Part10 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
407 :iOS[]:2016/04/06(水) 07:21:11.98 ID:5VENZ/PK
Auria Uプ
音楽制作アプリ Part10 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
408 :iOS[]:2016/04/06(水) 11:30:31.90 ID:5VENZ/PK
Auria Pro just updated to 2.0.4

- Fixed issue with Auria quitting after 50 seconds when playing in the background with Lyra
- Fixed issue with pasting onto the first track
- Fixed issue with bounce in place freezing if record enable is on
- Improved touch response in piano roll editor
- Fixed issue with meters not functioning in certain circumstances
- Fixed Import Audio issue with not being able to access bottom two rows
- Fixed issue with MCU/HUI options box not being accessible int he MIDI settings page when more than 6 MIDI outputs are present
- Fixed crossfade button in editor
- Reverted to original method for note overlap handling in piano roll. Notes that overlap are now shortened instead of being deleted.
- Fixed wrong template versions in non-Pro Auria version
- Fixed various graphics issues on iPad Pro
- Fixed issue with Master Meter window disappearing when in editor screen
- Fixed Triplet and Dotted snapping

音楽制作アプリ Part10 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
410 :リム[]:2016/04/06(水) 14:31:14.55 ID:5VENZ/PK
