トップページ > 豚インフル > 2015年06月20日 > CYGFu6vh


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【MERS】新型コロナウィルス総合スレPart3 [転載禁止]©2ch.net


【MERS】新型コロナウィルス総合スレPart3 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
462 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage]:2015/06/20(土) 21:51:09.22 ID:CYGFu6vh
Specific Recommendations for the Government of the Republic of Korea

The joint Republic of Korea/WHO Mission team made the following high-level recommendations to the Government of the Republic of Korea:

1. Infection prevention and control measures should immediately be strengthened in all healthcare facilities across the country.

2. All patients presenting with fever or respiratory symptoms should be asked about:
contact with a MERS patient; visits to a healthcare facility where a MERS patient has been treated; and history of travel to the Middle East in the 14 days before symptom onset.
Any patient with positive responses should be promptly reported to public health authorities and managed as a suspected case while the diagnosis is being confirmed.

3. Close contacts of MERS cases should not travel during the period when they are being monitored for the development of symptoms.

4. Strong consideration should be given to re-opening schools, as schools have not been linked to transmission of MERS-CoV in the Republic of Korea or elsewhere.

5. The most important steps needed to stop further cases involve continued implementation of basic public health measures by all health authorities.

These include:

 a. early and complete identification and investigation of all contacts

 b. robust quarantine/isolation and monitoring of all contacts and suspected cases

 c. full implementation of infection prevention and control measures; and

 d. prevention of travel, especially internationally, of infected persons and contacts

6. Local governments must be fully engaged and mobilized in the national fight against this outbreak.

7. In parallel with disease prevention and control measures, steps should be taken to strengthen domestic and international confidence and trust.
The most important actions involve improving risk communications.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare should provide regularly updated information (in Korean and English) on the epidemiological situation, investigations, and disease control measures.

8. Additional staff (for“surge capacity”) are urgently required for the response and to provide relief for staff already working on the outbreak.

9. Selected hospitals should be designated for safe triage and assessment of suspected MERS cases.
This will require trained personnel, facility management, and communication with the public.

10. Comprehensive research studies designed to close critical gaps in knowledge, including seroepidemiological studies,
should be completed and the results widely communicated as quickly as possible

11. The Republic of Korea should ensure that it is able to optimally respond to future outbreaks.
In particular, it should strengthen the medical facilities needed to deal with serious infectious diseases,
including increased numbers of negative-pressure isolation rooms; consider how to reduce the practice of“doctor shopping”;
train more infection prevention and control specialists, infectious disease experts, laboratory scientists, epidemiologists, and risk communication experts;
and invest in strengthening public health capacities and leadership, including at KCDC.
