トップページ > アイドル+ > 2018年05月03日 > oETNS3Tq0


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【総選挙】「おニャン子クラブ」総選挙 1位は渡辺美奈代 トップテン決定[05/03] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


【総選挙】「おニャン子クラブ」総選挙 1位は渡辺美奈代 トップテン決定[05/03] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
39 :名も無きアイドル[sage]:2018/05/03(木) 02:28:54.65 ID:oETNS3Tq0
You belong to me I could not say goodbye forever I wanted to hold you forever
I belong to you Hurrying this breast to you We belong to Earth
The earth that shines in the cobalt under the universe (Sora)
A sorrow begins from there and love comes back there
Ah I can not escape from the ring of Moebius
Repeat a number of sins Peace than freedom
More than justness All you want is all you desire
Even if you change apart but you lose sight of you
You can change your destiny You can change your destiny
You can change your destiny Beyond the dark.

Offer to number 40
