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磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
377 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:31:21.64 ID:KdlANjDH
The findings also showed that:

Global data for obesity and underweight
In 2016, there were 50 million girls and 74 million boys with obesity in the world,
 while the global number of moderately or severely underweight girls and boys was 75 million and 117 million respectively.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
378 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:31:38.39 ID:KdlANjDH
The number of obese adults increased from 100 million in 1975 (69 million women, 31 million men) to 671 million in 2016 (390 million women, 281 million men). Another 1.3 billion adults were overweight,
but fell below the threshold for obesity.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
379 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:33:24.25 ID:KdlANjDH
Both are poverty.
overweight and underweight.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
380 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:33:51.38 ID:KdlANjDH
n 2016, the obesity rate was highest in Polynesia and Micronesia in boys and girls, at 25.4% in girls and 22.4% in boys, followed by the high-income English-speaking region, which includes the USA, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the United Kingdom.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
381 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:34:11.81 ID:KdlANjDH
The areas of the world with the largest increase in the number of obese children and adolescents were East Asia, the high-income English-speaking region,
and the Middle East and North Africa.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
382 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:34:42.87 ID:KdlANjDH
Nauru was the country with the highest prevalence of obesity for girls (33.4%),
and Cook Islands had the highest for boys (33.3%).
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
383 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:35:31.78 ID:KdlANjDH
In Europe, girls in Malta and boys in Greece had the highest obesity rates,
comprising 11.3% and 16.7% of the population respectively.
Girls and boys in Moldova had the lowest obesity rates,
comprising 3.2% and 5% of the population respectively.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
384 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:36:23.41 ID:KdlANjDH
Girls in the UK had the 73rd highest obesity rate in the world (6th in Europe); boys had the 84th highest obesity in the world (18th in Europe).

Girls in the USA had the 15th highest obesity rate in the world; boys had the 12th highest obesity in the world.

Among high-income countries, the United States of America had the highest obesity rates for girls and boys.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
385 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:36:53.94 ID:KdlANjDH
The largest rise in BMI of children and adolescents during the four decades was in Polynesia and Micronesia for both boys and girls,
and in central Latin America for girls. The smallest rise in the BMI of children and adolescents during the four decades covered by the study was seen in Eastern Europe.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
386 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:37:23.24 ID:KdlANjDH
he country with the biggest rise in BMI for girls was Samoa,
which rose by 5.6 kg/m2, and for boys was the Cook Islands,
which rose by 4.4 kg/m2.
磐田市立総合病院 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
387 :卵の名無しさん[]:2017/10/13(金) 22:38:58.40 ID:KdlANjDH
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