トップページ > ハードウェア > 2016年03月11日 > QXM7+Ixb


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[NETGEAR] ReadyNAS 総合Part31 [X-RAID/RAIDiator] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


[NETGEAR] ReadyNAS 総合Part31 [X-RAID/RAIDiator] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
480 :不明なデバイスさん[sage]:2016/03/11(金) 08:16:06.81 ID:QXM7+Ixb
[NETGEAR] ReadyNAS 総合Part31 [X-RAID/RAIDiator] [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
491 :不明なデバイスさん[sage]:2016/03/11(金) 23:20:00.44 ID:QXM7+Ixb

New features

ReadyCLOUD User Migration to MyNETGEAR Account.
Amazon Cloud Drive file sync support.Custom snapshot schedule configuration.Custom snapshot retention policies.
Configurable snapshot access policies.PTP (Photo Transfer Protocol) / MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) media backup support.
Active Directory user mapping import/export capability.Custom fan adjustment settings.


Backup job configuration UI simplification.
Merged snapshot timeline and snapshot recovery functionality into the same section.Cloud backup services (Dropbox, Egnyte, ReadyNAS Vault, and Amazon Cloud Drive) moved to the Cloud tab.
Apps are now sorted alphabetically by default.Apps list can now be searched or filtered.Quota violation alerts can now be disabled.
Boot progress is now displayed on systems with LCD panels.
Backup jobs to/from FTPS targets are now supported.SMB backups from Mac OSX are now supported.


[Beta 1] Fixed CVE-2015-7547 (glibc getaddrinfo() stack-based buffer overflow)
[Beta 1] Switching from a DHCP to static IP address now defaults to the DHCP-assigned DNS servers.
[Beta 1] Fixed Anti-Virus performance issues when browsing share contents.
[Beta 1] Fixed performance degradation when hot-adding disks. (RN202/204/212/214)[Beta 1] Fixed next power-on state after power loss to restore to the last state. (RN202/204/212/204)
[Beta 1] Fixed occasional shutdown failures with Wake-on-LAN or Power Schedule enabled. (RN202/204/212/214)
[Beta 1] Fixed shutdown failures with Wake-on-Lan enabled on bonded interfaces. (RN102/104/2120)
[Beta 1] Added strings for various error codes.
[Beta 1] Added support for Kernel Modules Plus addon, to support XFS USB drives and various extra network options.

