トップページ > ハードウェア > 2013年05月25日 > j385hbwD


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[NETGEAR] ReadyNAS 総合Part18 [X-RAID/RAIDiator]


[NETGEAR] ReadyNAS 総合Part18 [X-RAID/RAIDiator]
126 :不明なデバイスさん[sage]:2013/05/25(土) 11:01:15.32 ID:j385hbwD
RAIDiator-arm Version 5.3.8 (for ReadyNAS Duo v2/NV+ v2) May 23, 2013

[New features and enhancements]
IE10 support.
ReadyTiVo v1.3.10 update to v1.3.13.
ReadyDLNA v1.0.25 update to v1.1.0.
[NETGEAR] ReadyNAS 総合Part18 [X-RAID/RAIDiator]
127 :不明なデバイスさん[sage]:2013/05/25(土) 11:04:51.09 ID:j385hbwD
[Bug Fixes]
Fixed the file system check error messages on reboot.
Fixed a bug that scheduled power on sometimes not work.
Fixed a bug that press power button can't power on sometimes.
Fixed a bug that changing local user's e-mail will affect Samba user email address.
Restrict group name so that it can't duplicate with share and user name.
Fixed a bug that sometimes copy subfolder fail.
Correctly restart proftp if it is enabled.
Kernel patches for ext4 file system.
Fixed multiple languages' translation issues.
