トップページ > シューティング > 2021年06月11日 > 73i92QWI0


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エースコンバット7 議論スレpart2 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
ACE COMBAT エースコンバット総合スレ Mission618 [無断転載禁止]c2ch.net [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
ACE COMBAT エースコンバット箱スレ Mission532
ACE CHOMBAT-エースコンバット総合スレ Kimuchi594


エースコンバット7 議論スレpart2 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
262 :名無しさん@弾いっぱい[sage]:2021/06/11(金) 00:42:58.60 ID:73i92QWI0
Good Morning troops!
I have an important announcement.
In one hour, each one of you will take part in the most important mission in our history- a mission that will result in the defeat of the vile enemy who has brought chaos to our continent.
Although we are from different nations, and of different races, we have fought, suffered and died together, fighting for what we believe in- fighting for freedom.
Today, we shall gather for our final battle, to liberate our beautiful continent and restore freedom to our people, our friends, and our family.
Our victory will herald the beginning of a new era of prosperity for the Usean continent.
Victory will be ours! We shall return peace to our people, and win back our freedom, and our future!
The skies belong to everyone!
Now, let us take back our “Shattered Skies”!
ACE COMBAT エースコンバット総合スレ Mission618 [無断転載禁止]c2ch.net [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
247 :名無しさん@弾いっぱい[]:2021/06/11(金) 08:28:05.34 ID:73i92QWI0
Good Morning troops!
I have an important announcement.
In one hour, each one of you will take part in the most important mission in our history- a mission that will result in the defeat of the vile enemy who has brought chaos to our continent.
Although we are from different nations, and of different races, we have fought, suffered and died together, fighting for what we believe in- fighting for freedom.
Today, we shall gather for our final battle, to liberate our beautiful continent and restore freedom to our people, our friends, and our family.
Our victory will herald the beginning of a new era of prosperity for the Usean continent.
Victory will be ours! We shall return peace to our people, and win back our freedom, and our future!
The skies belong to everyone!
Now, let us take back our “Shattered Skies”!
ACE COMBAT エースコンバット箱スレ Mission532
252 :名無しさん@弾いっぱい[]:2021/06/11(金) 09:38:45.54 ID:73i92QWI0
Good Morning troops!
I have an important announcement.
In one hour, each one of you will take part in the most important mission in our history- a mission that will result in the defeat of the vile enemy who has brought chaos to our continent.
Although we are from different nations, and of different races, we have fought, suffered and died together, fighting for what we believe in- fighting for freedom.
Today, we shall gather for our final battle, to liberate our beautiful continent and restore freedom to our people, our friends, and our family.
Our victory will herald the beginning of a new era of prosperity for the Usean continent.
Victory will be ours! We shall return peace to our people, and win back our freedom, and our future!
The skies belong to everyone!
Now, let us take back our “Shattered Skies”!
405 :名無しさん@弾いっぱい[]:2021/06/11(金) 22:28:55.18 ID:73i92QWI0
Oh, him?
Yeah, I know him.
It’s going to take a while…
It happened years ago.

Did you know… there are three kinds of aces?
Those who seek strength.
Those who live for pride.
And those who can read the tide of battle.
Those are the three.
And him…
ACE CHOMBAT-エースコンバット総合スレ Kimuchi594
21 :名無しさん@弾いっぱい[]:2021/06/11(金) 22:31:57.04 ID:73i92QWI0
The war seemed to unfold in the blink of an eye.
I don't remember exactly
when the forces from the west occupied my town;

I was too busy scanning the skies day after day,
waiting for "Yellow Thirteen" to reappear.
39 :名無しさん@弾いっぱい[]:2021/06/11(金) 22:34:20.08 ID:73i92QWI0
Cum historia mutat valde

Razgriz revelat ipsum:

Primum daemon scelestus est.

Cum potentia sua

Daemom fundet mortem in terra m:

Deinde moritur

Cum somnus finit,

Razgriz surget iterum:

Magnus heros est.
ACE COMBAT エースコンバット箱スレ Mission532
254 :名無しさん@弾いっぱい[]:2021/06/11(金) 23:10:15.76 ID:73i92QWI0
The posts of a sticky thread troll who is trying to destroy Ace Combat related threads.
A crazy person who blames Ace Combat for his own inability to operate a plane properly because he is too incompetent to do so.
