トップページ > ゲーム速報 > 2018年09月08日 > FMw8f4xl


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【NS】「真・三國無双7 Empires」「戦国無双 〜真田丸〜」「無双OROCHI2 Ultimate」が11月9日に発売。3タイトル間のセーブデータ連動も©2ch.net


267 :名前は開発中のものです[sage]:2018/09/08(土) 14:10:00.18 ID:FMw8f4xl
"When we're clinically depressed, there's a very strong urge to pull away from others and to shut down," says Stephen Ilardi, PhD, author of books including The Depression Cure and associate professor of psychology at the University of Kansas.
"It turns out to be the exact opposite of what we need."
132 :名前は開発中のものです[sage]:2018/09/08(土) 14:10:25.02 ID:FMw8f4xl
"In depression, social isolation typically serves to worsen the illness and how we feel," Ilardi says. "Social withdrawal amplifies the brain's stress response.
Social contact helps put the brakes on it."
179 :名前は開発中のものです[sage]:2018/09/08(土) 14:10:50.28 ID:FMw8f4xl
The Fix: Gradually counteract social withdrawal by reaching out to your friends and family. Make a list of the people in your life you want to reconnect with and start by scheduling an activity.
【NS】「真・三國無双7 Empires」「戦国無双 〜真田丸〜」「無双OROCHI2 Ultimate」が11月9日に発売。3タイトル間のセーブデータ連動も©2ch.net
68 :名前は開発中のものです[sage]:2018/09/08(土) 14:11:11.56 ID:FMw8f4xl
Trap #2: Rumination
A major component of depression is rumination, which involves dwelling and brooding about themes like loss and failure that cause you to feel worse about yourself.
