トップページ > PCゲーム > 2012年12月12日 > cwMv/+tO


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The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM その247
Fallout 3 PC Vault 70
【WF&S】Mount&Blade 80馬力【Warband】


The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM その247
683 :名無しさんの野望[sage]:2012/12/12(水) 02:01:47.95 ID:cwMv/+tO
Fallout 3 PC Vault 70
442 :名無しさんの野望[sage]:2012/12/12(水) 13:42:24.50 ID:cwMv/+tO
The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM その247
807 :名無しさんの野望[sage]:2012/12/12(水) 13:44:27.55 ID:cwMv/+tO
【WF&S】Mount&Blade 80馬力【Warband】
436 :名無しさんの野望[sage]:2012/12/12(水) 13:57:42.94 ID:cwMv/+tO
The "unable to restore vertex buffer" / "unable to lock vertex buffer" error is unfortunately common to most ATI Radeon users.
Mount & Blade is heavily biased towards nvidia products in that those cards do not suffer the vertex buffering problems.

In short what happens is that game somehow has trouble handling a large number of events on the screen, such as corpses,
dropped weapons, enemies and such on ATI Radeon cards. Even though the new ATI Radeon cards such as yours should easily
be able to handle it. No fix was made for this problem beyond some player attempts at changing how the code handles things but those are likely out of date. (Google them).
It's frustrating because while your video card can handle maybe 2000 soldiers being on your screen at once, Mount & Blade's way of handling code just can't.

What you can do to minimize and sometimes prevent the vertex buffer errors is:

* Try to not have more then 100 (or at most 150) set on the battle size, even though your PC can handle this graphically. The game's code itself just screws it up.

* Turn off ragdolls, weapon drops and corpses. This means the game has less entities to take care of and it won't crash itself.

* Play around with graphics settings.

Alternately, get Mount & Blade: Warband. This is a stand-alone game, essentially it's Mount & Blade 2.
Not only does it have much nicer graphics (HDR, normal mapping, smooth and motion captured animations, new gameplay options
such as marrying ladies or lords to gain influence through politics, and more) but it doesn't have the vertex buffer problem for most people as the code is written much better and is almost crash-free.
A M&B player.
