トップページ > 占い > 2016年03月25日 > ljvGJgDW


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【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
614 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/25(金) 07:58:22.62 ID:ljvGJgDW
Tomorrow's Love Forecast
Daily Love Horoscope Pisces - Friday, March 25 2016
On face value yet another opposition between a planet in your sign and Jupiter in your relationship sector is just another series of personal and/or relationship tensions coming to a head.
Yet not only is this the last this one involves Venus, with the planets of love and luck getting to the bottom of any balance issues once and for all.
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
615 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/25(金) 08:07:33.42 ID:ljvGJgDW
Esoteric Astrology as News
March 23-30, 2016
Is your daily life feeling somewhat shrouded in a mist?
Can you assess your present daily needs and priorities?
You want to be practical while initiating new goals.
Relationships are expanding. How will this affect your life?
Do you think about serving others?
Serving is a Virgo task, your hidden sign.
The Tibetan says, “Out of duty, perfectly performed, will emerge those larger duties which we call world work.”
Always the world calls to you.
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
616 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/25(金) 08:10:10.69 ID:ljvGJgDW
Temperance -
You will "inherit" spiritual encouragement and positive changes by looking beyond your limitations.
Someone who likes you a great deal will give you something or lavish their generosity upon you.
This could also indicate a spiritual gift of some sort.
You will be surprised at your ability to turn a negative situation into an extremely positive one simply by redirecting your energies.
This could also indicate a deeply penetrating spiritual experience.
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
618 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/25(金) 17:36:01.71 ID:ljvGJgDW
Saturday 26th March 2016
Friends, family and colleagues may be confused by events beyond their control.
Your handle on a situation could be better: you may sense that all will be revealed in time.
Until it is, you may need to take charge, acting as chauffeur to some, confidant to others and,
to someone really close, financial advisor (or magician!).
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
619 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/25(金) 17:39:00.00 ID:ljvGJgDW
Friday 25th March 2016

You may feel as though you've come to the end of a road.
Uprooting on some level would seem inevitable.
The good news (though it may not feel that way at the time) is that you have support.
Sure siblings and friends might ask questions you don't want to answer. It's clear that they care though.
It seems likely too that they'll go along with a plan that takes your mind off difficult issues.
With a positive aspect between Venus and Pluto on Saturday, you might want to take yourself out of it completely -
dressing differently in the process.
In your inimitable style, you could cover things up so that no-one guesses the issues you're grappling with.
You might not be able to dodge those tricky questions entirely though.
Throughout all this, friends born under your own sign and who REALLY understand what you're going through,
are probably your best allies.
