トップページ > 占い > 2016年03月03日 > u2bE4g4b


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【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net


【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
382 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/03(木) 10:46:23.03 ID:u2bE4g4b

Tomorrow's Love Forecast

While there is some real support for friendship and relationship building and there is even more support on the way,
this doesn't cancel out a need to keep your personal and relationship needs balanced.
While this is a bigger problem than it's been in the past with this comes better opportunities,
with something real and authentic taking shape.

Daily Love & Relationship Horoscope for Friday 4 March:

You might be enjoying focusing on a fantasy you'd love to see become reality
but a more important relationship matter is about to demand your attention.
It's also possible this has escalated through you being a bit too focused on a dream.
Reality is about to set in and you're not going to have much of an option to resist it.
Daydreaming can resume another time.
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
383 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/03(木) 10:47:03.49 ID:u2bE4g4b

【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
384 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/03(木) 10:53:01.53 ID:u2bE4g4b
ぼらさん お身体ご自愛ください。
Friday 4th March 2016

It wouldn't be surprising if you felt exhausted by the pace of recent events.
You may need a little 'time out'.
Solitude could be particularly important.
Arranging this might not be easy, however.
It might suit you to find somewhere dark and off the beaten track where you can resolve certain issues.
It's also in this kind of environment, that you could uncover a little magic and find a solution to a niggling problem.
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
387 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/03(木) 12:39:56.88 ID:u2bE4g4b
Today's Horoscope for Thursday March 03rd

If you’ve been feeling you needed to add a little bit of sparkle and more fun to your closest relationship,
then go to it. Waken things up that have become dull and routine.
If you take a bit of a gamble then something rather fun could be happening.
Maybe you are finding it difficult to express your feelings for fear they won’t meet a positive response.
A little like an oyster, you will snap shut your shell in case your inner softness is damaged.
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
388 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/03(木) 15:32:38.78 ID:u2bE4g4b

Judging by the tense aspect between the planet of communication,
Mercury, and forthright Mars, even simple discussions could turn into heated exchanges.
While, initially, this may worry you, it will soon be clear these are worthwhile.
They are, in fact, about acknowledging and dealing with misunderstandings,
both past and present.
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part50【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
391 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/03/03(木) 23:28:47.17 ID:u2bE4g4b
For March 3, 2016
Image: "In prehistoric times, a nest of dinosaur eggs"
Message: Ancient formulations.

A recent wave of isolation or private doubt will now fade from long-term friendships.
Although key relationships are emotionally scattered, expect loved ones to provide reassurance and consistent short-term support.
Public displays of affection, new suggestions and sincere discussions will prove rewarding.
