トップページ > 占い > 2016年01月20日 > Tw4fmx+s


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【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part49【翻訳】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net


【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part49【翻訳】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
643 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/01/20(水) 11:06:11.38 ID:Tw4fmx+s
Thursday 21st January 2016

You may be captivated by the thought of a career change - or by the potential a younger person has.
What you might not want is for them to follow in your footsteps or make your errors.
You could be a little machiavellian in steering someone you're fond of away from a goal.
You might also be distracted by problems with transport.
【占い】魚座占いチェック用Part49【翻訳】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net
644 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2016/01/20(水) 11:11:10.87 ID:Tw4fmx+s
Kristin Fontana's weekly starcast
Week of Wednesday, January 20
When you worry and work and worry and work, and still find no progress to be had, the only thing left to do is surrender.
With Mars in Scorpio and still connecting in levitating ways to Neptune, it can help keep your feet off the ground, free from the worries of the earthly world.
It is unrealistic to say we are ever truly free from such things, and you do feel the truth of this weight now, with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, while joined to Pluto and squaring Uranus.
Energetically this says, “the more you resist, the more it persists.” You may also experience, “the harder you push, the stronger it pops.”
A Full Moon in Leo also occurs in the middle of all of this planetary tension on Saturday, Jan. 23, and it brings everything to light.
It strips it all down until all that you have left is that which holds ultimate meaning and value?
As you feel disillusioned by the injustice and chaos in the outer world, you invert your focus to the central source of your center,
which allows you to change your orientation toward whatever was detrimentally holding so much of your inner space.

Mars's holy alignment to your ruler Neptune permeates you with hope and helps you hover above the pain,
free of what can no longer touch you!
