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319 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/02/08(日) 21:03:25.22 ID:LhAGy/pl

This weekend the Moon reaches turning points in two rhythms.
Such periods usually result in emotional turbulence to which those born under Water signs (yours being one) respond.
Given that Mercury is slowing down prior to its station midweek, you could find yourself at something of a crossroads.
At one level you might not have a clue about what you want - except that whatever it is, you want it to be dramatic!
At a different level, you might know exactly what you want but be as sure that a certain person can't provide whatever that is.
In short, romantically things could be a bit of a mess - at least until midweek.
After then, and with the rediscovery of your sense of humour , you could throw yourself into creating surprises for next weekend .
320 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/02/08(日) 21:04:50.33 ID:LhAGy/pl

Your stars for the week beginning 08 February 2015
While your reputation for charm extends far and wide,
those who know you well are aware you can be both stubborn and proud.
Although you enjoy dispensing help and assistance,
receiving favours is another matter.
Yet it would be unwise, if not foolish,
to refuse the ideas or offers currently coming your way.
If you can`t say an enthusiastic yet, at least don`t say no.
321 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/02/08(日) 21:06:41.72 ID:LhAGy/pl
Feeling free.

Venus and Mars have been in your sign for a few weeks, so you may recently have met someone special or seen the tempo speed up in a love affair.
And with Valentine’s Day just ahead, maybe you have expectations.
It is never wise to pin all your hopes on the events of this one day – give someone time to win and woo you and make the moves as and when he or she is ready.

Take the pressure off yourself and the other person, and enjoy these sexy and loving influences without the constraints of a life-long promise.
You should be feeling great and certainly maximising your assets.
Let the time, love and the cosmos do the rest.
322 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/02/08(日) 21:09:12.84 ID:LhAGy/pl
For February 7-13, 2015

Image: "Orbiting the moons of Jupiter, a blinking satellite"
Message: Information gathered.

Home finances and long-term business decisions may be a prime focus over the next few days.
At the moment, your creativity and ambition are high.
Use this energy to find new income sources or develop promising contacts.
Many Pisceans, especially those born after 1964, will now begin a fairly intensively period of business adjustment and employment decisions.
Late Saturday evening dreams, intuitions and sudden flashes of wisdom will also be meaningful: stay alert to fast romantic insights and new emotional wisdom.
Long-term relationships will now enter a brief but intense phase of social change and revised priorities.
Before Thursday expect romantic partners to express a much higher degree of attraction, commitment or affection than anticipated.
Take none of it lightly: planetary alignments now suggest that someone close will soon wish to dramatically deepen a relationship and set new or more permanent boundaries.
React honestly: your thoughts are valid.
323 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/02/08(日) 21:12:45.08 ID:LhAGy/pl

Weekly Horoscope from Sunday 8th February 2015

Read more at http://horoscopes.co.uk/Pisces/Weekly-Horoscope.php#UqiVe75AfovFZTgR.99

Imagine a dancer mid-pirouette: that point where you know they're turning but it's so much of a blur that you think they're stood still.
Most of the audience will be mesmerised by the stunt.
Though you know it's an illusion you can't help but watch and be amazed.
That's precisely how you could feel midweek as Mercury arrives at its station.
True, it may be that you're awaiting important news and know that all is about to change once this news is imparted.
Analysing the dancing steps that got you to where you are now might not be as important as seeing who is now ready to dance with you.
There's high probability of you being drawn into a new scene where you take a more central role.
True, some rehearsal will be necessary.
By the end of this week though you should know what it is that you have to learn before the Sun reaches Pisces on 20th.
324 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/02/08(日) 21:15:00.93 ID:LhAGy/pl
~~~ Sunday 8th - Saturday 14th February 2015 ~~~

Knight of Swords -
Your trademarks are courage, strength and skill.
You are victorious in every battle.
There is a situation brewing that quickly, gallops along and then comes to an end just as rapidly.
You may make quick decisions or swift changes in your life.
This card may also represent a person who is important you - it’s someone who loves taking action.
They are clever, articulate, ambitious and have a good career.
However, they can cause trouble because their impatience means they rush in where angels fear to tread.
