トップページ > 占い > 2015年01月18日 > 6AFx+CJk


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277 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/01/18(日) 09:11:48.60 ID:6AFx+CJk
Image: "At the playground, giggling children in a crowded sandbox"
Message: Shared goals.

Ask for emotional explanations in key relationships this week: over the next few days the subtle communications of lovers or close friends may prove quite revealing.
Before Tuesday a powerful wave of emotional wisdom arrives concerning romantic and social loyalty: watch for others to steadily reveal their deeper feelings or romantic needs.
To some degree, this new awareness may also trigger intense discussions with loved ones or a fundamental romantic change.
Key areas of concern may be shared interests, common likes or dislikes and/or differing social styles.
After Wednesday business routines will also shift: expect bosses or authority figures to be briefly absent.
A dynamic and productive week: stay alert.
278 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/01/18(日) 09:27:45.74 ID:6AFx+CJk


Mars should be providing you with plenty of get-up-and-go, however its meeting with Neptune early in the week is more likely to result in a whole lot of steam and no traction.
So, while your imagination and enthusiasm should know no bounds, getting those thoughts on paper could prove disappointing.
Press on and if someone pours cold water on your ideas refine them and re-present them.

Indeed, tucking yourself away and working on a project is highly appropriate for the next four weeks: when the Sun enters your sign and Mercury gets back on track more than one situation that is currently stalled should right itself.
282 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2015/01/18(日) 21:45:17.63 ID:6AFx+CJk
Shelly von Strunckel うお座 週占い 2015/1/18 〜
Your stars for the week beginning 18 January 2015
For ages you`ve known you`d have to rethink elements of your way of living or activities out in the world.
While you may have made some changes, others have remained confusing, if not a source of concern.
Now that sensible Saturn is dominating such matters, both your perspective and your priorities shift.
Although analysis is important, you`re better off taking action first and learning from the results.
