トップページ > 占い > 2011年07月08日 > 4bwdb2mC


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日本代表 ワールドカップ2010 戦犯 駒野は獅子座


265 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 06:13:35.20 ID:4bwdb2mC

日本代表 ワールドカップ2010 戦犯 駒野は獅子座
339 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 06:14:54.95 ID:4bwdb2mC
261 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 06:30:17.72 ID:4bwdb2mC
( ̄ー ̄)アラフォーババアは性格や育ちの悪さが顔ににじみ出ているからどうしようもないぜ?( ̄ー ̄)

262 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[]:2011/07/08(金) 06:39:03.20 ID:4bwdb2mC
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263 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 06:39:27.43 ID:4bwdb2mC

264 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 06:42:22.31 ID:4bwdb2mC
ニジヤマオケット ニジヤマオケット ニジヤマオケット ニジヤマオケット ニジヤマオケット
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265 :暇な子供のしんこ[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 06:45:44.44 ID:4bwdb2mC
We duly understood California's major citizens are "FOR DEATH PUNISHMENT"!
(death punishment=death penalty=capital punishment, etc.)
Also, we duly noted you are minor existence in California too.
Meanwhile, what and how are you acting for the abolition?
Please let us know your activities.

You are American, aren't you?
Then, why don't you use English?

266 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 07:00:31.13 ID:4bwdb2mC
水+=菅直人 小泉純一郎 みのもんた 妻夫木聡 菊川怜 さくらももこ 福原愛
水−=鳩山由紀夫 タモリ 明石家さんま  松本人志 高島彩 柴咲コウ 谷亮子
水+霊(子)=舛添要一 大塚範一 若槻千夏 清水ミチコ 松雪泰子 久保純子
水−霊(丑)=中井貴一 市村正親 上戸彩 ジャガー横田 青木さやか 西山茉希

267 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 07:01:41.52 ID:4bwdb2mC
The death penalty is parading through the streets of America
as if it were clothed in the finest robes of criminal justice.
Most politicians applaud its finery; others stare in silence, too timid
to proclaim that the emperor has no clothes. Instead of confronting
the twin crises of the economy and violence, politicians offer the death penalty
as if it were a meaningful solution to crime. At the same time, more effective and
vital services to the community are being sacrificed. Voters should be told
the truth about the death penalty. They should understand that there are programs
that do work in reducing crime, but the resources to pay for such programs are
being diverted into show executions. Being sensible about crime is not being soft on
crime. Too much is at stake to allow political manipulation to silence the truth
about the death penalty in America.

268 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 07:04:10.60 ID:4bwdb2mC











269 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 07:05:26.36 ID:4bwdb2mC
Fuck, again!
Can you read this?

What we expect you is not just to quote articles of some other English
publications, but to express your own opinions in English. (>>147)

Anyway, we are talking about merits and demerits of death penalty itself.
Court costs should be regarded as secondary matter.
Once death penalty has been sentenced, then do you think it should be
executed right away from the viewpoint of "costs"? LOL

Looking forward to the "OFF-Meeting"!
Awaiting your notice asap!

270 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 07:07:16.21 ID:4bwdb2mC
An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
 An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
  An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
   An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
  An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
 An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
 An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
  An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
   An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
  An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
 An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
 An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
  An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
   An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
  An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
 An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
 An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
  An idiot named yuriko said "I am the world! I am a child!" LOL
272 :アメリカの占星術[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 07:24:08.35 ID:4bwdb2mC
●Obama 'surprised and deeply humbled' by Nobel prize
○Speaking about 2009 Nobel Peace Prize win, Obama calls for Palestinians and Israel
is to live in peace. U.S. President Barack Obama expressed surprise on Friday over
winning the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, but said he accepted the honor as a call to
action for nations to confront the challenges of the 21st century.
"I am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the Nobel committee,"
Obama told reporters in the White House Rose Garden. "I do not view it
as a recognition of my own accomplishments but rather as an affirmation of
American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations."
Obama will travel to Oslo, Norway, in December to accept the award
on the birthday of Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite whose will
established the award series in his name. The prize includes a cash award
this year of $1.4 million, which the White House said Obama will donate to charity.
Obama, 48, is the third U.S. president to win the prize while in office,
after Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 and Woodrow Wilson in 1919.
In its surprise choice, the Norwegian Nobel Committee cited the president's
creation of a new climate in international politics and his work on nuclear
disarmament, even though he is just nine months into his presidency.

273 :アメリカの占星術[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 07:24:48.23 ID:4bwdb2mC
"These challenges cannot be met by any one leader or any one nation," the president said.
"That's why my administration wants to establish a new era of engagement in which all
nations must take responsibility for the world we seek."
Obama acknowledged that, while accepting an award for peace, he was commander in chief
of a country engaged in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"We have to confront the world as we know it," he said. The U.S. leader also
mentioned his intention to bring about Middle East peace.
"And we must all do our part to resolve those conflicts that have caused so much pain
and hardship over so many years," Obama said, "and that effort must include
an unwavering commitment that finally realizes that the rights of all Israelis and
Palestinians to live in peace and security in nations of their own."
He said he was working to end the war in Iraq to confront a ruthless adversary that
directly threatens the American people and our allies in Afghanistan.
"I'm also aware that we are dealing with the impact of a global economic crisis
that has left millions of Americans looking for work," he said. "This award must
be shared by everyone who strives for justice and dignity."

274 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 07:26:32.51 ID:4bwdb2mC


菅直人 1946年10月10日♂

277 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 23:07:14.37 ID:4bwdb2mC
???? ? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ????, 1971? ??? ??? ????
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278 :マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage]:2011/07/08(金) 23:20:14.81 ID:4bwdb2mC
You know why Dragon Ball will be always 10000 percent better than other animes? It's because of? it's bonds...Every series is bonded with each other for us to finaly know, that this is far more complicated than we thought and yet...so easy to enjoy :)

Naruto and Bleach
